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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Im guessing if theyre taking preorders already, its going to come out a lot sooner than we thought.
  2. Journey is getting a collectors edition retail release. It'll be out August 28 and it'll be $29.99. http://thatgamecompa...-you-august-28/ Some details: The complete set of bonus flOw, Flower, and Journey content includes: +30-minute behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Journey +Creator Commentary play-throughs of all three games +Three exclusive mini-games from thatgamecompany +Concept art and screenshot galleries for all three games +Original soundtracks for all three games +PS3 dynamic themes and wallpapers +PSN avatars including 8 exclusive new Journey avatars never released before +Official game trailers and developer diary videos +Reversible cover art It'll also have 1 free month of PS+ I kind of want it even if I already have Journey and Flower.
  3. Discuss, ask for help, share screenshots and artwork, beg!!!!
  4. I know, but so few of us have one that it doesnt seem worthwhile really.
  5. Im going to say that theyre going to stick to the October release.
  6. Im guessing if theyre taking preorders already, its going to come out a lot sooner than we thought.
  7. Im not sure why, but lately ive been getting kind of aggravated with other people's negative opinions of the shit I like. I usually dont care, but whenever someone consistently dumps on everything I like its upsetting. It makes me second guess myself. maybe I like shit now. It just feels like people dont like ANYTHING anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Strangelove


      I really want this ME3 ending thing to pass already. I want it to be done and never spoken of again. Maybe in a year or 2 it'll just be a lighter issue we can joke about.

    3. Strangelove


      I also want the Wii U to be released for about 2 years. I just want to travel to the future so I can see if my talking shit about it is justified or not. Im actually tired of making fun of it already. Its just so easy to do. I suppose that's what how the shit-talkers that hate the stuff I like feel.

    4. Strangelove


      I want DmC and RE6 to be released so the people that already hate it without playing it can continue hating it without playing it. I dont want to be around for that, just a year after that. When everyone's gotten over it.

  8. Maybe this is the wrong thread to post this in, but how does everyone here define immersion? I saw a thread on another forum(neogaf) where they all talked about games that break immersion. One of them being achievement notices or tutorials that explain how to do something. Im sorry, but I suppose I am never immersed in games then. I cant pretend that I dont see a life bar or dont have to go into an equipment menu or that im pressing a button on my controller to make my character move. I KNOW and am always aware im playing a game. a little notification on the top right of my screen telling me I got a trophy is no more detrimental than anything else the game does. That doesnt mean I dont get into the story or the characters and stuff, I do become involved, but im always aware that its a game im playing. Is there something im just not getting?
  9. I hate to dump on things that I dont partake in, but how has the PC community accepted 60 dollar games? From what I remember, the myth is that games were usually cheaper on pc compared to consoles because of the cost of building pcs or something like that. How did we get to the point where people are ok with shelling out more for certain games than others? I mean, if PS3 games tomorrow went up to 70 bucks, id shit myself. Id be upset. If they do it next gen though? Ill be upset, but Ill understand.
  10. Wut? I can dissect that entire thing, but the bigger question is why people buy systems they dont like. Why? Sell it if you dont like it and buy more games for the system you do like. Sheesh. Its so weird when an 360 fan buys a PS3 4 or 5 years after its out and complain that there arent enough games and they leave it collecting dust. And vice versa. There arent any games because you bought 75% of them for the other system, dumbass.
  11. I think YOLO is from some rapper or something. Also, we didn't have Wikipedia when I was in college, that would have been awesome to have. BTW, since everything finds its way online nowadays, do people ever scan or put college textbooks online for people to use so they dont buy the textbooks? I have grown so reliant on never buying books or magazines because I can find the e-book or the article online. Do people do that with textbooks? Cus they should.
  12. Shit, Moonrise Kingdom. Forgot to mention that. Fucking good stuff. @Strange: I can totally get that. And I think some of his films are better than others. They're kinda like Coen Bros style black comedies in that you should be laughing at how self-aware and stupid a lot of the stuff that goes on in them is. I first saw Royal Tenenbaums when I was a lot younger and my sense of humour wasn't totally developed, and I just didn't think anything of it. Seemed boring and unfunny. Then I saw some scenes of Steve Zissour years later, and it was fucking great; but this was well after I got into slacker comedies and anti-humour and things like that. Moonrise Kingdom particularly has a pretty good adventure and story in it. Painfully romantic too, so if anybody's got a date, that's the film to see. Really good stuff, except maybe two moments which don't make sense/ are a little too farfetched. I just don't think he ever fully commits. His films are never that funny, but they're never that meaningful either. I hate to say it, but "halfassed" would be about right. I think he's a good director though, He just chooses kind of empty skeletal scripts. Im just a fan of real dark humor(Eastbound and Down) or extremely witty humor(Arrested Development.) And as far as artsy stuff, I like colorful bombastic stuff(Fantasia) or really understated stuff(Antichrist). He never does any of those things very well. And that's what he tries to do. Which is sad because I think he has the talent to do it. As a whole though, Im over irony and sarcasm as comedic devices. Im over shaky or documentary style camera shots and im really done with the Royal Tenenbaums/AD rich eccentric white people schtick. It's been done to death. Him in particular. His stuff just isnt for me.
  13. Im super excited for the dlc tomorrow. Fuck yes. It'll be 4 bucks and have 2 side missions and 2 challenge missions. The maid dlc will be out July 10th and also have 2 side missions and 2 challenge missions. Also 4 bucks. And if you missed out on the military pack, itll be out July 24th for 4 bucks.
  14. Man, this joke was so much funnier like a year ago before everybody started telling it.
  15. Holy shit, it looks like a cash register from the future as imagined by people living in 1982. Thats awesome. I dont know anything about keyboards, but what is that screen in the top middle for?
  16. I haven't seen Brave, but if they really never outdo themselves after Wall-E/Up/Toy Story 3, I won't view it as a negative against Pixar as a whole. Most companies/can't even reach that kind of excellence, much less outdo it. They can release 100 shitty films right now and Id still love Pixar.
  17. Is it weird that I still don't quite "get" Near? I know what it does, but I cant say I know how to properly use it. I know I can attach emoticons to games, check what people are playing near me and discover gifts, but how do I send gifts? I was playing Super Stardust Delta and it said I had a gift to send for Near. I haven't found an option. Is it automatic or what?
  18. If you can take advantage of a situation in some way, it's your duty as an American to do it. Why should the race always be to the swift or the jumble to the quick-witted? Should they be allowed to win merely because of the gifts God gave them? Well, I say cheating is the gift man gives himself!

    1. Eleven


      Is this a quote from something or is it a strangelove original? Because i would like to use it one day if i ever get into a situation that calls for it.

    2. RockyRan


      Sir, I suggest we cheat!

    3. Strangelove


      Simpsons quote.

  19. Jeff Who Lives At Home. Good, but not as good as I was expecting. Jason Segel has done better, Ed Helms has not. This was a good one for Ed Helms.
  20. I think it sounds like a sexy cologne. Like Sex Panther.
  21. I hate Wes Anderson films, so Im not gonna agree. They're just not for everyone.
  22. God Bless America. The first half is awesome, but the least half is really really predictable. The movie was just too long really.
  23. The Dictator. A lot better than I ever thought it was going to be. I loved Borat and Bruno, but everyone seemed to dislike this one before they even saw it. I admit its kind of a shitty premise, but it works. This one has a ton more jokes than the other 2, so some of them work and some of them don't, but when they do work, Jesus Christ. Some really good stuff in there. And it kind of solidifies the fact that Baron Cohen doesn't really need to do the reality stuff. He's fine doing a conventional comedy. Almost everyone liked Borat, but a lot of people hated Bruno. If you liked Bruno, I think The Dictator is worth seeing. Otherwise, I cant imagine people liking this one either.
  24. Yeah, to be honest I dont think anyone knows when it's coming out. I think I heard late October. But Amazon and GS say Dec 31st.
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