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Retsu Seiba

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Everything posted by Retsu Seiba

  1. I just checked it, and I had no trouble with the new reply notifications. The ads are still obnoxious as usual, but it doesn't get in the way of the notifications. And I can access my profile just fine. I think Crescente read this thread and hurried back there.
  2. "Always wanted to be popular with japanese women? Now you can! Warning: live octopus not included."
  3. Ghost Trick a few days ago, and Final Fantasy XIII just now. Ghost Trick was so amazing but short, Final Fantasy XIII was so boring and long... Well, not that long for a jRPG, but sure felt like it.
  4. Only a 80gb model. Phat just like all my other Sony consoles.
  5. I must say, I'm somewhat surprised FFVI is leading atm. In my experience polls like this tend to favor the PS1 games. Not that I'm complaining.
  6. Wild mood swings. By the time I'd reached this thread, I wasn't feeling so nice.
  7. This seemed like a nice place and I'm a nice guy, so registering seemed like the obvious course of action. Hello, everyone. Another Kotaku user here.
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