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  1. European boxart: NA boxart: I like the EU version alot more.
  2. Wait, are talking the ending cutscene, boss fight, or the ending set-piece where your falling/sliding? I hated the boss fight at the end, it was cheap in the harder difficulties and outright underwhelming in every other way. The cutscene at the end though felt right for a game like Uncharted 2. I see why developers put those achievements/trophies in that way, basically forcing you play the multiplayer. Problem is that it's not gonna stop anyone from going back to play COD or any other game where multiplayer is perceived to be better. Developers need to realize that MP games is something that gamers invest serious time into, and gamers aren't going to set aside that time for smaller titles that aren't known for popular MP. Developers need to set goals that are achievable for both SP and MP. They need stop messing around with the idea of MP if they're not bringing anything new to the table. Focus on adding as much content to the SP portion of a game as possible, not a stupid bullet-point to the box that nobody is ever gonna really care about. GTA4 had shitty vehicle handling that was a pseudo-attempt at realism. Previous GTAs already arcade driving that worked well enough, not great but enough to get the job done with enough retries. I hate that in most (if not all) RPGs, I think that's why I can stomach Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon games. Even if they're meant to be easy, they actually have reasonable RPG battles that aren't too overwhelming by normal standards. Basically it still takes a good amount of effort to beat higher-leveled optional enemies (Sephiroth), but it's still an achievable goal. I hate that I even bought 'FF7:Crisis Core' because of it's crappy ass battle-system.
  3. That was one of my biggest gripes with the game. I had a few issues with Infamous 1, still enjoyed it despite it's flaws though. I2 seems like it's gonna have some more creative powers compared the first game, and I'm also glad Sucker Punch is making the super-powered free-running/parkour a lot more fast and fluid too. I hated that there was no real forward momentum for moving from building-to-building, transitioning from climbing to gliding. I guess it's kinda the opposite of AC games where moving from one building to another was great, but actually climbing up a building took time.
  4. Hi everyone! I'm Bigduo, and I like to join-up and talk with anyone here who share's my love for games.
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