"The first image from Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is here"
3 FUCKING D!??!?!
Producers: Oh look, we'll shoot this scene from this viewpoint so that the people looking at this in theaters will be in awe of our 3D superior technology!
Petty Assistant: But sir, that scene will make no sense for millions of other viewers who will watch this at home.
Producers: Who gives a fuck, we must do this in 3D or we won't be successful compared to other 3D movies.
: /
But other than that.
Silent Hill 1: I fell in love with this game as a kid. It scared the shit out of me and I loved it for that. The music, the gameplay, the graphics (at the time), the atmosphere, the story......I simply loved every aspect of it! To this day, it still is one of my favorite (horror) game I've ever played.
Silent Hill 2: I played this at a slightly older age (I think around 15). I'll be honest, because of that game I've never looked at hospitals and petty hotels the same way. I enjoyed the game every single second of it. The music had a high impact on me and Akira Yamaoka became one of the few people in the entire planet that I would be proud to shake his hand.
Silent Hill 3: Loved the concept, loved the music, the gameplay was ok.....but something about the game as a whole...didn't appeal that much to me. I mean, I enjoyed it, but I don't know, it lacked something I think.
Silent Hill 4: The music = OMG!<3. The game = The fuck am I playing?! . Gameplay sucked balls. The scary factor came only later in the game (because I find asylums scary). And the story....wat. Not until later have I found out that SH4 wasn't even supposed to be a SH game in the first place. They were developing another game and in the middle of that process they decided to label it a SH game.
Silent Hill 5: I welcomed the game with great pessimism. What I got? A pretty decent game. At first I was skeptical about all the changes americans made. But after some time of getting used to, I enjoyed it. The thing I have to object about most in that game is loading times. OMG! When I see a door, I frown because I know it'll have to load 10+ seconds. The music was also a nice addition to my collection and I love it.
Silent Hill: Origins : Not much to say about this game. It was intended for PSP, but ps2 port came eventually and.....well, it was ok I guess. It's a great game to play on a lonely rainy summer night. The music? You guessed it, I love it.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: Hmmmmmmmm. Doesn't REALLY feel like a SH game, but it was a good effort. I love the approach they made. I just think it needed more work. Oh oh, also, the flashlight movement and the door opening was very nicely made.
That would be it for now. I'm sorry if something I said made no sense. That's because I'm slightly drunk now.
Also, loving the whole CONCEPT of Silent Hill for years. I don't mind them making new game every year or so. As long as it has that former Silent Hill atmosphere, I'm game! <3 (Too bad that atmosphere is getting stale and they're focusing on making the game more "advanced")