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Everything posted by -Dex-

  1. Just gonna leave this here (Playing it almost every day for a week now. Sweet delicious nostalgia)
  2. Where's 6264 when you need him. : /

    1. BrainHurtBoy...2


      Why'd you need him?

    2. -Dex-


      He requested a song from me. I finished it n__n

  3. Fixed for greater good. In my case, I would create a tropical island similar to the one called Bora Bora. Then I would magically think an airport with a private jet within it, make a few summer houses, satellite internet, every passport imaginable, trillion dollars in my underground safe, and a huge ass boat. And if I had some time to spare, I'd drink fresh grown coffee from the hills of Columbia. So, when my 15mins are up. I can still invite all my dear friends to mah island and would support them financially on and off it. Every day would be chill.
  4. Ok, so, here's the situation: You were given all the powers of Gods. Basically, you could do pretty much anything. But here are the rules. -You only have them for 15minutes -You can't mess with free will. (i.e. You can't think and someone will do your bidding, but you can force(physicaly) them to) -You can't have infinite power (i.e. You can't make money fall from the sky infinitely. That "wish" will stop after the beforementioned 15minutes) -After those 15mins are up, you return to your original form, or the form you chose to be in as long as it doesn't contradict laws of nature. -You can't mess with time, but you can mess with space-time (i.e. teleportation is ok) So, WHAT would you do?
  5. -Dex-

    TAY Podcast

    Advent Chaos could insult my whole family in spanish, and I'd still think his voice is adorable. 'nuff said.
  6. -Dex-

    TAY Podcast

    ^ Edited. I totally forgot to put the files in public. ^__^'
  7. -Dex-

    TAY Podcast

    Yes. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28714821/mah%20voice.wav also, this. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28714821/mah%20voice2.wav Okay?
  8. Would it be gay if I said that I'm interested in that tattoo?
  9. Whut? That's like saying 2D sidescrollers should die. You haven't played Ar Tonelico, Grandia or Mana Khemia have you? Those games made turns super fun.
  10. I disagree with your opinion and here's why: At the starting "town" in borderlands, roughly 50m from my character there was a bandit/outlaw/badguy/ that was only 3-4 levels higher than mine. I was like: "Oh, cool, I'll just shoot him in the head from distance and get extra exp". I shot him, only to find out that it didn't even make a scratch to him and he responded with a shot from his handgun that killed me in one shot. Whut just happened?! After several failed attempts to kill him I decided to ignore him and move on to smaller fries. Eventually I got to the first boss. I went behind him and lulzd because his head was at my aim 2feet from me and I had a shotgun at that time. I pulled the trigger only to find out that it took VERY little of his health. I left the game and uninstalled it followed by throwing the disc in the garbage. Don't get me wrong, just because I think the game is garbage, doesn't mean that it is to someone else. P.S. I love Fallout3, and F:NV, so I can make some sense when that situation happens there because I'm actually against a Deathclaw, and not a hobo human that isn't even aware I'm there. Now back on topic. Don't you hate it in RPG's when you're level 9001 and here comes an enemy that uses instant death spell and succeeds? (Persona franchise, I'm looking at you!) also, I hate random encounters. Battles should be my own choice. Walking down the corridor....there's the door! Please, please, just 2 more seconds! ABOUT to press a button to open a door BOOOM, YOU'VE ENCOUNTERED AN ENEMY. God fucking damn it : ( also, sidequests that require you to fetch something. You're an allpowerfull human/alien/machine/whatever, yet you have to do those silly sidequests. Why can't I command someone from my crew/gang/party to do it for me?!
  11. -Dex-

    TAY Podcast

    I checked them out now and I have to say, I love those guys!
  12. -Dex-

    TAY Podcast

    I want to be the guy who just sits around while others talk and occasionally spurt random nonsense that actually makes sense if you think about it. >___> Also, since it's a Talk Amongst Yourself forum, it seems obvious that we* should have a podcast. Topics shouldn't be hard to find since new games are coming out as we speak so we have a lot to ramble about. *I'm still relatively new and I don't think I should be associating myself that quickly
  13. Took you long enough to fix that PC @__@
  14. It would be awesome if they just postponed the production of MiEdge2 until 3D starts flourishing on PC. Mirrors Edge + 3D technology = Holy shit!
  15. Today is Monday, tomorow is Tuesday, after that is Wendsday, and after that is Thursday. In case anyone forgot.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Battra92


      I still like "Bob Dylan"'s cover ;-)

    3. CorgiShinobi


      I had the misfortune to hear this song from an actual "fan" at work. At first I thought it was standard pop, but then it devolve into something... diseased.

    4. Gigawings


      So when we will celebrate Caturday?

  16. "The first image from Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is here" 3d? . . 3 FUCKING D!??!?! Producers: Oh look, we'll shoot this scene from this viewpoint so that the people looking at this in theaters will be in awe of our 3D superior technology! Petty Assistant: But sir, that scene will make no sense for millions of other viewers who will watch this at home. Producers: Who gives a fuck, we must do this in 3D or we won't be successful compared to other 3D movies. : / But other than that. Silent Hill 1: I fell in love with this game as a kid. It scared the shit out of me and I loved it for that. The music, the gameplay, the graphics (at the time), the atmosphere, the story......I simply loved every aspect of it! To this day, it still is one of my favorite (horror) game I've ever played. Silent Hill 2: I played this at a slightly older age (I think around 15). I'll be honest, because of that game I've never looked at hospitals and petty hotels the same way. I enjoyed the game every single second of it. The music had a high impact on me and Akira Yamaoka became one of the few people in the entire planet that I would be proud to shake his hand. Silent Hill 3: Loved the concept, loved the music, the gameplay was ok.....but something about the game as a whole...didn't appeal that much to me. I mean, I enjoyed it, but I don't know, it lacked something I think. Silent Hill 4: The music = OMG!<3. The game = The fuck am I playing?! . Gameplay sucked balls. The scary factor came only later in the game (because I find asylums scary). And the story....wat. Not until later have I found out that SH4 wasn't even supposed to be a SH game in the first place. They were developing another game and in the middle of that process they decided to label it a SH game. Silent Hill 5: I welcomed the game with great pessimism. What I got? A pretty decent game. At first I was skeptical about all the changes americans made. But after some time of getting used to, I enjoyed it. The thing I have to object about most in that game is loading times. OMG! When I see a door, I frown because I know it'll have to load 10+ seconds. The music was also a nice addition to my collection and I love it. Silent Hill: Origins : Not much to say about this game. It was intended for PSP, but ps2 port came eventually and.....well, it was ok I guess. It's a great game to play on a lonely rainy summer night. The music? You guessed it, I love it. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: Hmmmmmmmm. Doesn't REALLY feel like a SH game, but it was a good effort. I love the approach they made. I just think it needed more work. Oh oh, also, the flashlight movement and the door opening was very nicely made. That would be it for now. I'm sorry if something I said made no sense. That's because I'm slightly drunk now. Also, loving the whole CONCEPT of Silent Hill for years. I don't mind them making new game every year or so. As long as it has that former Silent Hill atmosphere, I'm game! <3 (Too bad that atmosphere is getting stale and they're focusing on making the game more "advanced")
  17. Ahahahaha “Have you sold your souls to the EA devil?” they banned him for THAT?! HILARIOUS!
  18. Dragon Age: Origins I don't like the combat style. Loved the same concept in SW:KotOR but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it now.
  19. My post was disregarded. I thought you all would make fun of me that I look like an emo or hipster or whatever.
  20. HOLY SMOKES, here's all my money! But offensive kidding aside. Welcome dude, you'll have a blast here. =3
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