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Everything posted by diedan

  1. Laphroaig! *fists of rage* *and joy*

    1. TheForgetfulBrain


      I was at BevMo tonight and almost bought a bottle, but it was $35 for a ten year and that was all they had. Instead I opted for a 12 year I've never heard of - 'Tomatin.'


      It's not too excellent.

    2. diedan


      $9 for a shot of the quarter cask. Worth it!

  2. I saw it, and I cannot remember a time that I laughed so hard. I doubt it's for everyone, but I though it was an impressive blend of high brow, low brow, and absurdist humor. It also helps if you've been involved in the theater. Oooh! Good to hear. It's so hard to tell from trailers, sometimes.
  3. Cool dude. I hadn't heard of Loma Prieta, but it really reminds me a lot of all the hardcore/emo stuff that was happening back in the late 90s. That was a huge part of my scene in high school. Good times. That or a bit like newer stuff like The Number 12 Looks Like You (who I adore). And Cloud Cult, yes, yes, yes. I think it's so great. I really love the new stuff. There's so Much Energy in Us is a brilliant song.
  4. Aw shucks. I can't be mad at you with an avatar like that.
  5. Orange Juice 2: The Return of Orange Juice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diedan


      But...but I just like orange juice...a lot apparently.

    3. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      Revenge of the Orange Juice was a better sequel.

    4. diedan


      It does sound better, but how could orange juice ever harm anything? It couldn't! It's too delicious!

  6. A friend recommended this to me. It's the deathiest/softest death metal I've ever heard: Also, sometimes the dude wears a clock?/birdhouse? thing on his head: Faaantastic. I love stuff that tries to push genres.
  7. It's polarizing, but it's not a bad film by any means. But suit yourself. I mean, you really use those as a measure to whether or not you'll watch a film? The film you loathe so much, Hero, garnered a 100% (top critics) on Rotten Tomatoes, an 8.0 on imdb, and an 84 on Metacritic. Reliable, much?
  8. Also, the best triple-movie night I've ever had was watching Moon, Zombieland, and The Fountain (again) in a row. It was glorious. Moon is brilliant. Sunshine is as well. Gattica is also a must see sci-fi film. As is Dark City.
  9. Yesssss! Good luck? The only remotely punk band that my friend recommended to me that I liked I now can't remember the name of (and neither can he, unfortunately). But I think it was mostly just chaos, which is probably why I was all about it. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
  10. I've listened to so many genres of music over the years: goth, industrial, hardcore, metalcore, math metal, black metal, death metal, noise, indie rock, folk, bluegrass, pop, hip-hop, blah blah blah blah, and yet I still can't get into punk. I don't know why. I'd really like to like it. It's just like the last bastion of genre standing for me. I think the closest I've ever come was listening to Atari Teenage Riot, which isn't even that close. Speaking of which, this is great:
  11. I'll probably watch it anyhow. I'm a sucker for big action movies that look and sound awesome even though as a film they're kind of crap. I can't help myself.
  12. Completely unrelated to Valhalla Rising... Withnail & I was just added to Instant. I haven't seen this movie in years, but I remember it being incredibly weird and entertaining. I think Criterion released a version of it in 2001, but before that it was frustratingly hard to get a hold of, but totally worth the effort.
  13. @slithy toves: I watched that movie, but I don't remember much of it, let alone him being in it. Hmmmm... I didn't know about the Crowley thing. Methinks a rewatch may be in order. @Pony: Is that movie worth watching? I mean, it looked kind of fun, but it also kind of looked terrible. I'm partial to the originals when remakes happen, as well...
  14. Yeah, they were both on there a while ago. I had them in my Instant Queue and then they just went away...so, one can hope. I bumped them up in my queue. I've been interested in watching them since watching Bronson, even before realizing the greatness of MM in VR.
  15. 4 more hours until my FREEEEEEDOM!

    1. diedan


      Correction: 2 hours. We're apparently closing early. YESSS!

  16. Oh, yeah, I just listed the ones on Instant. There's a bunch more on there. But I don't like waiting for movies...
  17. diedan


    This. A collection of 25 Akira Kurosawa films, all done up pretty by Criterion.
  18. Flame and Citron, Prague, Adam's Apples, Pusher 3 (but not the other two!?), Torremolinos 73, I am Dina, and Flickering Lights are all on Instant. Not sure what his involvement is in each of those; they just show up when you click his name.
  19. Now we all need to watch the Pusher Trilogy. I'm gonna go bump it up in my Netflix queue.
  20. Okay, okay, one more post. Here's an interview with Nicolas Winding Refn about Valhalla Rising. I watched it a while ago, but he talks a bit about the Nature vs. Humanity themes, which, I think (besides the whole aesthetic) is why I made the Herzog comparison in the first place. http://www.bbc.co.uk/filmnetwork/features/valhalla_rising_interview I think regardless of his intent, by keeping the movie so silent, it's available to so many different interpretations, which, among other reasons, is why I was so impressed with it. Also, one of his other films, Bronson, is on Netflix. I didn't like it nearly as much, but that may be because I don't really care for biopics. But you can see some of that crazy aesthetic he employees in VR. I'm still upset they pulled the first two Pusher films. I really wanted to watch those.
  21. Edit: I wrote this before you wrote your response, slithy toves. Yeah, the Odin theory perhaps doesn't work, but I still like the idea of this being about old world vs. new world, etc. Now I need to watch it again...
  22. My name is Dan and diedan was an automatically generated user name many years ago. I thought it was funny that the computer wanted to kill me, so I've used it ever since.
  23. and this. that was actually pretty rockstar. This is so true. One Eye was one of the most badass characters ever. I think that's fair. For me...
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