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Everything posted by diedan

  1. You'd be surprised. Wolves love poetry! Especially the Norse Poetic Eddas. Next time you're surrounded by a pack of wolves, just start reciting the Sigurðarkviða hin skamma and they will howl with delight...and hopefully not gnaw you to death with their teeth. Little known fact!
  2. Oh yes. They are INSANE! I can't get them to stop retweeting my brilliant 140 character epic poems. Just imagine if someone tweeted something not in iambic pentameter!? I would have wolves at the door. WOLVES! (All of my followers are wolves.)
  3. Yeah, my 12 followers would have been SOOOOO pissed! No, seriously, I have 12 followers...
  4. But I must. click. spoiler tag. always!
  5. Oh good. My email didn't come up at all. I unfortunately/stupidly use diedan on a lot of accounts, and may or may not have been using the same password. What!? I like consistency! Nothing critical: twitter, tumblr and the like, but still...I changed the hell out of a ton of passwords anyway. Makes me feel better on the inside.
  6. This password stuff is depressing me. I'm going back to watching Buffy.

    1. Bouchart


      I changed all of my passwords. This Gawker imploding is a laugh and a half.

    2. diedan


      I changed soooo many passwords today...just in case. I unfortunately use diedan for a lot of accounts.

  7. I'm scared. *hides in a corner*
  8. They're not really in chronological order, but they each have a main character or theme and it tends to help to read those in order. So, if you read the Death books, I suggest reading them in order; or if you read the Rincewind books, read those in order, etc. Wikipedia has a good list of them all and what the subject matter/main characters are: Wikipedia
  9. I finally caught up with Season 5 about two weeks ago. God I love Doctor Who. I, too, am having issues with Matt Smith...maybe. I can't decide if it's him or if it's the general direction the show went. I'm all for having a full story arc from beginning to end with fun clever hints hidden into each of the stories, but I had such a hard time with The Doctor and Amy's interactions, or The Doctor's ridiculous mood swings (going from loving humanity to hating it to loving it...granted, that probably only happened in one episode, but it stuck with me). Perhaps this season was just a set up for the grand schemes that Moffat has in mind and simply was to ease us into a new, darker Doctor Who. Should be interesting to see what happens. All that said, the last three episodes were so fantastic and really give me hope for next season. I'm hoping all my dislikes are simply an adjustment to Matt Smith and will be assuaged as soon as the Christmas Episode hits. Can't wait!
  10. There are just too many! Honestly, I've read probably 10 of them, but it's always tricky where to start. My favorites are all the ones from the Death series of books, so: Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather, Thief of Time. I really, really enjoyed Small Gods as well. It's been so long since I've read those...
  11. Currently I'm in the middle of reading both The Sandman and The Walking Dead. I'm only through Book 3 of The Walking Dead (and I haven't started the show), but it's got to be the most depressing thing I've ever read. In a good way? I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'm loving The Sandman too (through Book 4), but unfortunately I'm getting those through the library and they were all checked out...
  12. What's everyone reading right now? Anything awesome? Recommendations? Favorite books? ALL THINGS BOOKS!
  13. Take my last two days for example: I live in MN, and from Friday to Saturday, we received 18 inches of snow, insane winds that produced 2 and half foot drifts. It was a good 10 F. I shoveled for 3 hours yesterday, couldn't get my car off the road, then discovered my heat went out. Got that fixed after a hefty fee, but my car was still stuck. Fortunately, the temperature had dropped to nearly 0 F this morning so that all the snow hardened and was able to move my car before the plows inevitably arrived and the city towed my car. Success! And now that the drama is all done, and the sun is out, from sitting inside, it's all nice and cozy and beautiful outside. How's the weather in your area? Sunny and warm? I'm jealous...
  14. I think we all need a place to ask the silliest question known to casual conversation: the weather. All of us coming from different places, I'm sure we've got quite the eclectic experience.
  15. I have Shenmue, and I've never played it, really. Couldn't quite figure out what to do right away and probably never gave it a chance. Might have to try that again at some point.
  16. We have status updates!?

  17. Oh shit this is a hard one, so here's a few: Pi Bottle Rocket The Descent Lost in Translation Donnie Darko Seven Samurai American Psycho Aguirre: The Wrath of God Videodrome Brazil That's off the top of my head. There are so many more. I just watched The Secret of Kells and Valhalla Rising tonight. Both get 5 star ratings from me. Such ridiculously good movies. Also, to add to the earlier conversation, I've now seen Scott Pilgrim five times. I can't stop watching that movie.
  18. Mine is out and alive, but unfortunately not hooked up at the moment. I still need it ready and available for random Ikaruga sessions. That, and I need to finish Skies of Arcadia. WHY DID I NEVER FINISH THAT!?
  19. I still look like this! Although my beard is slightly smaller. We need more beards in here!
  20. OMG We MOVED!? Hi. I'm Dan. 28, living in MN, trying to survive the massive amounts of snow that Odin dumped on us. He's such a bastard.
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