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Everything posted by NekuSakuraba

  1. Crisis Core and some of TWEWY (mostly because of Neku's situation nearing the end)
  2. ; ^ ; I'm commenting on my own profile. WUH.

  3. Really? That's totally opposite of me, haha. I'm much better at speaking before learning to read/write. I feel like I don't know anything and that things I do know won't be useful. Sorry for the off-topic! We should move this to PM, yes?
  4. Oh hey! I see Korean in your signature. Somebody for me to practice with? I hope so! I'm not fluent AT ALL though.. Just..really beginner basics (when it comes to speaking not writing/reading) ; ^ ; Mian! (sorry)
  5. I'm Neku Sakuraba. So, I choose NekuSakurba as my screen name. It wasn't taken. (HURRHURR.) No, but kidding aside, I've been lucky that it hasn't been taken (I made it in time before someone took it on Kotaku too) He's my favorite character and I felt a lot like him when I was younger so I made that 'connection' and...yeah. I also used to be in a TWEWY RP as Neku.
  6. Heheh, I'm one of them. When I posted a picture on the old forum, I think people thought I was male. And I was going to do it again to cause confusion but I ended up failing.
  7. I lost ~15 lbs and did /almost/ nothing. I don't remember in how many weeks but it hasn't been too long I know that. All I did was decrease my calorie intake (I take in 1,500 or so a day. No more then 2,000 a day if it goes over) I estimate if the stuff I eat doesn't have calories marked on it. If I exercise then I would lose more. Also, I dig the gif from Big Bang's Haru Haru up there. >
  8. It's a similar icon but same ol' Neku~ One thing I remember someone said about me when I was on the old forum is that I apparently snapped a photo of a spaghetti monster. Hmmm...maybe I saw you on that thread.
  9. This wasn't recently but I bought this off eBay, yaeyah: I just got this in the mail today: Vongola rings, woo~
  10. Spring/Summer 2011....curse you. - Pokemon B/W - Shadows of the Dammed - Child of Eden - El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron - Catherine I might be missing something. I hope not. My wallet is already a dry desert as it is.
  11. I used to draw a lot...now it's just once in a while because of pain in my hands, you can see my work here: http://demyxluver1xxandra.deviantart.com/ This is something I drew on a school desk:
  12. *points to icon*...I look like that. If you went blind... it's not my fault, Joshua will pay for your medical bill.
  13. Hi everyone! I'm NekuSakuraba (Kotaku) I think I remember some of you guys.... I wonder if anyone remembers me... (probably not)
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