retribution is a stand alone expansion meaning you get access to all the races. it also adds the super heavy units (some from apocalypse) no titans but there is a baneblade. retribution campain also lets you pick any of the races though its mostly the same story just told from the perspective of that race (ork pirates anyone? lol). the heroes work totaly different in it too. multi-player is the way to go! i like DOW2 alot because you dont have to build a big base for someone to come wreck up its build some units and go! annihilation is my fav mode but capture points will test a whole new set of skills. last stand is cool too but it gets boring fast. max lvl is 20 then you start over at lvl 1 with a token to give 5% to the leaderboard scores. ill play some co-op but i cant ever find anyone to play with ><.