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Everything posted by PanicDriver

  1. Every time you make some criticism about some game, some douchebag shows up and says "w/e go back to CoD." Although I don't play Call of Duty, at that point I feel like I have to speak for all the people who play CoD, and say something among the lines of "Hey, who are you to tell insult someone by what they play." Thats just me, though.
  2. Man all this talking about Little Big Planet 2 wants me to play it right now! Anyone up for some LBP2 On PSN-oh...wait...... Also since she is addicted to Zombies apparently you could play Left 4 Dead 2 with her.
  3. Yeah, the barnacles, but also anything that drags you to the ceiling, like the Wallmasters in Ocarina of Time. Speaking of Ocarina of Time, this freaked me out as a kid: Oh yeah, this brings back memories when I got abonerscared of those silly creatures. Actually the whole Shadow Temple was pretty creepy. And the Grave yard.
  4. Oh...o-okay.. Like I said man, UNDERGROUND. You thought I was lying? Well...I am lying. Thats not the point though!
  5. Hello. I just want to say I'm not the smartest kid on the block. In fact I'm probably one of those pur-stew-do-intellectuals, and most of my comments don't make sense most of the time because my mind goes faster than I type, you know? Maybe I should just type faster, eh? I go by Stephen, I'm 19 years old. I don't go to college, because like I said, I'm not smart. I'm probably an idiot. That doesn't stop me from enjoying life though. And video games, yeah that too, I guess. I've been on Kotaku for awhile now. I don't know if some of you seen me around. I like to think my comments on Kotaku are "underground". Yeah thats right, I'm too cool for you. I went by two usernames on Kotaku, my first was CanadianCowboy, and now its PanicDriver. I think...I've been on Kotaku since I was 17? Ah, who cares, whats up guys?
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