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I've just picked that up in the Steam sale as well, despite already owning it on the PS3. Word of advice though, invest in martial arts rather than guns. You get a far more enjoyable game-play experience out of using stealth and melee than you do out of trying to shoot things. The shooting mechanics are appalling. However, with a melee build, save Russia for your last area. Also picked up the Company of Heroes complete pack in the sale this weekend. I already own all three titles on disc, but I've not installed them since 2009 thanks to that atrocious Relic P2P patcher. I figure with Steam, I might at least play a game I genuinely enjoy the hell out of.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Excellent twists in there and the amazing score by Hans Zimmer really highlighted the action.
I had bought Medal of Honour when it released, but traded it in after completing the campaign because it couldn't compete with Bad Company 2 for my time. I'm steering clear of linear multiplayer betas following the Halo: Reach Beta. I absolutely hated my time with Reach during beta and yet I thoroughly enjoy the retail version of the game - although it's over-sensitivity to disk blemishes has rendered my extraordinarily lightly scratched copy useless. During the beta, obviously prior to game balancing thanks to beta statistics, I felt that a lot of things were mismatched and uneven. The retail version of the multiplayer component felt a lot more comfortable. It's not that I have an aversion to beta testing in general, I've done a fair bit of testing for a few different MMOs and really enjoyed doing it. I think it's just that being a statistics guinea pig does more to dis-interest me than interest me.
Yes, classes are faction locked. You can however, roll characters from either faction on the same server. So you could roll Trooper and a Sith class on the same server as your friends. Alternatively, you could roll Bounty Hunter as a Sith - the mirror class for the Trooper. Unlike SWG, that doesn't involve hunting other players. I don't think it will. The MMOs that tend to go free are the ones that are generally lacklustre in content and thus can't hold subscribers. That said, Bioware have both their own fan base as well as the Star Wars fan base to draw subscribers from. As many negative views of Star Wars Galaxies there are floating around about the NGE changes, SWG has managed to keep quite a nice cluster of paying customers despite that fact it has extremely generic content. The Old Republic even broke EAs own record for global pre-orders in the first week of them going live.
This has been a problem for me and a few friends since 1.5 or 1.6 if I recall correctly. Like you I have 6GBs of RAM and I frequently run into it. I've found that keeping render distance set to normal rather than far seems to reduce the occurrence slightly, but also nuking the install every so often reduces it even further. I hadn't run into the problem lately until visiting a server belonging to one of the Bukkit plug-in devs. He was teleporting myself and another chap all over their extremely large server for about two hours. The memory error started to occur every few minutes after that and nuking the install has had it only show up the once since. I think it's possibly something to do with information stored locally from various worlds that for whatever reason doesn't unload.
Thanks for sharing. Had a brief look in creative mode at the new blocks, really happy with those additions. I was pleasantly surprised when the sun went down to find the new lighting is in this file. It's a lot softer and the transition is a lot smoother, a nice touch especially for creative/creative SMP servers I think. Switched over to Survival mode to see if I could find NPC villages - managed to make two furnaces before the client black-screened.
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine Only tried the multiplayer so far, loving it.
That is outstanding, how did you do it? Video is hilarious, I have to admit that I've been wondering how the game would've played out without the DLC in question. Little bit of a plot hole without it.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Amazing game, lackluster ending.
I save like mad in most games, I have twelve saves going for this including the two auto slots, so fortunately I've been able to re-load whenever Jenson decides he doesn't like a particular piece of cover. It's gotten me spotted a few times while trying to ninja my way around or resulted in an alarm being sounded once or twice. The more frustrating ones I've found are when you rush to a particular cover and Jenson sticks to the surface next to the one that was intended. That's gotten me killed three times. Not sure if we've had the same problem with lockers, but I sometimes find that items can only be picked up from a certain angle. On the odd occasion I have to dance around a bit in front of a locker before an item will let me pick it up. Crouching to pick things up seems to help sometimes.
I had this with my first lecturer last year, in his 60s, trying to act 30. He spent so much fucking time talking about surfing that none of us actually came away from his tutorials with anything relevant to the course module. Worse so he didn't even appear to understand the module he was 'teaching.' For starters he didn't understand the course timetable and proclaimed that the lot of us where a week behind, because apparently "Week 0" meant 'Week 1,' which it did not. Regardless we all ended up doing two weeks worth of coursework in a single week to "catch up." He didn't have a good grasp on the course material either. It wasn't uncommon to get marked down on assignments for referencing something in the textbook because it supposedly wasn't in the textbook, you'd then get spiel about his 'expert' knowledge of the course materials when attempting to actually show content was in fact in said materials. Very headdesk.