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Everything posted by TheRevanchist

  1. American Hustle: I didn't give 2 shits about any of the characters. I kinda wished they'd all be killed by the end. It was borderline Okay/bad, but leaning towards the okay for the humor. Ride Along: It had some good laughs going on. Basically, a platform for Ice Cube to be a badass and Kevin Hart to be funny, which both do quite well. So, if you like that, you'll like this movie. Throwback Monday Movie I'm Gonna Git You Sucka: Right before the time In Living Color came on TV, the Wayans were doing some funny stuff in their parody movies (before they became stale with a 20th Scary Movie sequel). If you have ever seen some of the blaxploitation films, this was a parody of those, and had that stupid comedy that I love so much. I'm old and grumpy, so this movie brought me back to my childhood when me and my friends laughed hard at this movie, Hollywood Shuffle, and anything Eddie Murphy did on stand up - both Raw & Delirious.
  2. I thought the 9th circuit is the most overturned court? Speaking of overturned, some friends of our family just had their mom released after 17 years in the big house. http://www.myfoxla.com/story/26755102/woman-who-spent-17-years-in-prison-for-murder-is-exonerated I never met the mom, but, like I said, I'm friends with her kids. So, I see all of the status updates from them.
  3. Zathura: A Space Adventure. It was okay. A better version of that pile of shit called Jumanji.
  4. I always think of "shit is happening" music as my Spidey sense tingling.
  5. Waiter to my son: "Thank you, sir". Son: "He called me 'sir'. He must think I'm 9"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. madbassman39


      That was worthy of posting here. Problem is, you set the bar very high for any future children stories.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Good. It will keep them at a minimum. I hate FB.

    4. staySICK


      god I can't wait for my kids to start saying crazy stuff. My son is way behind but we're working on it. Speech therapy and whatnot

  6. I'm guessing their 9 version was going more in the direction of 8, but the users complained so much about the tiles, the only option left was to go with new version called '10'. Or, this is merely a tribute to John Lennon.
  7. We aren't fun either, but we are damn sexy, like Beyoncé 15 years ago.
  8. Oh, man, I cannot wait to go to articles about this for the pure joy of reading the comments. So many sex jokes and such little time.
  9. http://youtu.be/evu_MqAZpC0 Dumb video, but I love this song. I rediscovered the mp3 from a backup I had. 2010 was a good year for Sub Pop.
  10. I think the show wasn't that bad. I do think the writing was too... obvious and compacted. "Okay, script writers, let's try to write in every character that goes against Batman from the span of decades and place them all into one episode. Fanboys will appreciate it, because they are all dumbfucks." That kind of drove me batty (ha! get it!). In accordance with full disclosure, I had just taken some heavy duty allergy meds an hour beforehand. I plan on adding this to my fall tv viewing. BTW, when does The Flash start? I'm more interested in that one, anyway.
  11. I'm pretty sure you were dressed as the bad guy from Karate Kid.
  12. Either way, you are probably going to get hepatitis. But, I'd rather a chick pee on me than shit on me...BY FAR!
  13. 12 Years A Slave Coincidentally, this is also the amount of life was sucked out of me by watching this movie. Characters: All one dimensional Plot: Pretty obvious Editing/Filming: Not terrible, but there were some scenes that were very poorly edited and could have been made in the 50's B-movies Acting: Not bad, but nothing to write home about In summary, if you want to watch this movie, go ahead, but your money would be better spent on toilet paper.
  14. Bejeweled 3 is free on Origin right now. Ha ha ha!!! Oh, that shit should be free anyway.
  15. R-Type is free on Amazon US today (not sure about other Amazon sites). Delivered to my Kindle already.
  16. Yeah, Syria is a dick country, but IS is worse. WAY worse. I hope everything ends with a peaceful closure, but you know that's pretty rare in the Middle East, especially with people as blood thirsty as these Sunni zealots seem to be.
  17. MS + Mojang = Minecraft 2^ (DLC * Nike Pricing Structure)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Seems like it would be a bit hypocritical, after Notch had that tantrum when Facebook bought Oculus.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Although I'm sure I'd do a lot of hypocritical things for $2 billion.

    4. Mal


      Notch apparently declined offers like that before. We'll see.

  18. Oh, how the launch of the XBone in Japan made me laugh. At what point do the people at MS pull their collective head out of their asses?
  19. C'mon. It's not like Jennifer Lawrence is hot. What the hell is the big deal, people?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      It's okay. I know you like my status. Just deviants like TME & TCP shouldn't be allowed near small, furry animals, nor should be allowed to reply here.

    3. Eleven




      Great piece of art right there. Captures the appeal of JLaw.

    4. Vecha


      People like seeing celebs nude I guess.


      Maybe I'm an asshole, but I find it funny people saying this is horrible as some of the ladies who had their nudea release are financially affected because they could have gotten money by going to Playboy. Saw that rant on CNN I think.

  20. Best thing to do is find a person who does this for a living, like a mentor.
  21. I think we have something similar. They are called Circus Peanuts.
  22. Well, you are at the 4,763,271th best forum on the web, so you came to the right place! I would like to point out that all of the better forums have pictures of people in compromising position. So, take the scale with a grain of salt.
  23. "Dad! I played Super Smash Bros and I played as an old days robot." Yeah. That was Samus. OLD he says!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      At least with the 3DS version till the Wii U version is out

    3. deanb


      Isn't Robbie in it?

    4. ChiltonGaines


      I'm annoyed they wasted 2 character slots for Sheik and Zero Suit Samus.


  24. The more meat, the merrier! Where is McBeeferton when you need him, though...
  25. I thought I heard Dishonored was free this weekend on...Steam? Was that it? Something. I'm getting senile.
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