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  1. Actually, DQ9 is a pretty short game. The actual "campaign" if you will can be easily done in under 12 hours. Really depends on the game. I loved every second of Heavenly Sword's 5 hour gameplay. And I put in over 200 hours into Morrowind. I'm easy to please either way. But I think we can all agree, that a short well made game, is better than a long poorly made game any day.
  2. I'm not at all saying its bad. I'm saying its bad to get upset when you see a repeated mechanic/concept/idea. I'm referring to people harping on Microft for borrowing from the Eye Toy, or saying that Uncharted is a Tomb Raider Rip off. I'm ranting about the people who claim to hold innovation above all, but aren't willing to accept that not every aspect of a game needs to be innovative. Like does anybody really get upset when they see yet another phone with a camera in it? No, we like camera's in our phones. Nobody needs to yell at the next phone to also have a phone. Just like we like a cover mechanic in our third person shooters. What's wrong with keeping the things we like? Square Enix can't understand this concept whatsoever. Every Final Fantasy has to be so vastly different from the previous version, that they forget to keep aspects that people love. I loved the Materia system, but I've never seen it since. Hell, Chrono Trigger's double and triple techs was one of the coolest battle systems ever, and yet I've rarely seen it since 1995. What's wrong with keeping the things we love, maybe tweaking them minorly to make them even better, and discarding the stuff we don't like, until we are left with a truly great game? And no, I don't beleive in evolution
  3. I don't hate you, but I do think your sister is hot, so you may hate me. The person below me, pirates everything, and either lies about it, or only admits shame about it to appear cool on gaming blogs.
  4. My pet peeve rant: Innovation. I hate people who clamor for it. Or who even bring it up in any kind of video game discussion. Its usually just a word they use so they don't have to educate themselves, and so they can disguise their fanboyism. Yes, the Move looks like the Wiimote. Guess what? The Wiimote was successful, so another game company followed suit. This is the EXACT same in absolutely EVERY industry. From any food franchise to car manufacturer. If people want motion control in their videogames, and Sony makes videogames, then Sony would have to be VERY irresponsible to not have such a device/feature. Does anybody here REALLY care which car manufacturer was the first to put a sound system in their car? No, all we know is that its a much loved feature, so any car I buy better have it. Maybe we should all be mad at Apple, because they were not even close to the first company to put a camera in their phone. They are just COPIERS! This is forgetting the fact that NOTHING is really innovative anymore, and all things are just upgrades of previous ideas/concepts/technologies. Gears of War wasn't the first to use a cover based mechanic. Tomb Raider does not hold a monopoly on the "adventure" genre. I could go on and on.
  5. Lol, that's the only trophy I'm missing from Infamous, i have only 1 left to find. But gave up after about an hour of searching.
  6. See I'm in the opposite boat. I love sequels. Sequels are a chance for the devs to step away from a product (the first) gather user feedback, and then hit the drawing board again for the second time with good feedback, and a fresh outlook. And as most of the game assets are already done, it allows for a shorter and cheaper development cycle. Which ultimately allows them to put on more polish and add more features. (Uncharted 2, Gears 2 and Infamous for example) I usually buy a sequel before I buy a new IP.
  7. Does Dragon Spirit count? Can beat that game as a blue dragon without breaking a sweat.
  8. Well, I wouldn't say "just" but I did about 2 years ago, during my PSP playthrough of FF6. The person below me has never played Team Fortress 2.
  9. HA! That is very true. I don't like beer, (or any alcohol) The person below me hates Apple.
  10. My status on PXOD is currently Slime. Seeing as Dragon Warrior is my all time favorite game, how can I go abouts making that slime permanent?

    1. Pojodin


      It appears as though you'd be better suited if you ranked up to moogle.

    2. Slagathorian


      Can such a rank be obtained?

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I was pretty vexed by losing Prinny and going to Moogle. It's like being downgraded!

  11. Right on, I miss some of the good guysfrom Kotaku. But its cool how a lot of them are here. And you only have 1 platinum? In what game?
  12. Hmmmmm.. This is a fun game Dean. I am going to say: That the person below me has never played any of the Omnimusha's and that you never finished any of the Donkey Kong Country games for the SNES.
  13. No need to be an asshole. Again, I don't want to bother with patches and bad downloads ect. easier just to buy the freaking game.
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