I'm not at all saying its bad. I'm saying its bad to get upset when you see a repeated mechanic/concept/idea.
I'm referring to people harping on Microft for borrowing from the Eye Toy, or saying that Uncharted is a Tomb Raider Rip off.
I'm ranting about the people who claim to hold innovation above all, but aren't willing to accept that not every aspect of a game needs to be innovative. Like does anybody really get upset when they see yet another phone with a camera in it? No, we like camera's in our phones. Nobody needs to yell at the next phone to also have a phone.
Just like we like a cover mechanic in our third person shooters.
What's wrong with keeping the things we like?
Square Enix can't understand this concept whatsoever.
Every Final Fantasy has to be so vastly different from the previous version, that they forget to keep aspects that people love. I loved the Materia system, but I've never seen it since. Hell, Chrono Trigger's double and triple techs was one of the coolest battle systems ever, and yet I've rarely seen it since 1995. What's wrong with keeping the things we love, maybe tweaking them minorly to make them even better, and discarding the stuff we don't like, until we are left with a truly great game?
And no, I don't beleive in evolution