Exactly, there's no pleasing everyone. You should read some of the comments on finalfantasyforums.net, now granted they're mostly all European teenagers, but still, there's no pleasing them. The only Final Fantasy I'd say is not good, would be II, as there was a lot of things broken about that game, somethings have been fixed in various re-releases but it's still hard to play. There's other games I don't like but that's all personal preferences. Final Fantasy fans seem to mix up their opinions with facts.
This is a dangerous mindset to take. There is always a happy medium between two extremes. You can't say that people hated FF12's big world (I actually do not recall ever hearing this) And say that Square's only alternative to this was remove all towns, and cramp up the entire game.
No product out there can ever made everybody happy, what you should shoot for, is to keep improving though. And FF13 was NOT an improvement.
Exactly. I've never really understood the whole "people complain about EVERYTHING" mindset. The FF series is played by a very large amount of people, no? That means that there are millions of players with different tastes and things that they each want, no? It's not reasonable to think that response has to be UNIVERSALLY positive just because Squeenix has gone from one polar extreme of the gameplay spectrum to the other. There's a whole bunch of people who like FFXII, and there's a whole bunch of people who liked FFXIII.
It boggles the mind that some people think that NOT thinking like collective sheeple is somehow "bad". Popular series always have whiners. Doesn't mean that the people who whine about one thing are exactly the same people who are whining about another. And even if they were, what's the harm, really? So people wanted more linearity after FFXII, doesn't mean they are suddenly obligated to like it when Squeenix then releases what seems to them is a glorified hallway simulator.
I love this whole post.
Especially this line:
"Doesn't mean that the people who whine about one thing are exactly the same people who are whining about another."
Everyone needs to know, and understand that concept.
You hear something like this alot: "Oh you didn't like the FF13 characters, well at least its better than a bunch of steroid pumping, bald space marines!"
As if that somehow justifies bad character design.