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Everything posted by Slagathorian

  1. This. I don't need somebody telling me I'm terrible at video games. A Zelda game no less. The controls did not work for me, plain and simple. I don't ever recall hearing a SINGLE person complain about the controls in the other top down Zelda's, and most of those were on a console with a very limited amount of buttons.
  2. It was a toss up between The Adventure of Link (Its spelled wrong in the polls) and A link to the past. I love them both, but my nod went to Zelda 2.
  3. I absolutely hated them, they should have included both control options, ala DQ9.
  4. And before you say it: The touch controls worked just. fine. Don't you think that's a personal opinion? I HATED the touch controls in Phantom hourglass. They were so bad I couldn't even play the game. Not only is the DS extremely uncomfortable to hold in one hand for any extended period of time, but a touch only controls was a horrible way to play Zelda. Tap on an enemy to attack it? Move the stylus all over the screen to move around? Hell every time I had to move up or to the left, my big hand got in the way of the tiny 4 inch screen. Why Nintendo didn't implement BOTH controls is a mystery to me. Dragon quest 9 game people the option to use whichever controls they want, and I doubt many people went touch.
  5. Does anyone know if they did away with the "wandering NPC?" While it was kind of a cool feature in Oblivion, it was annoying as hell to have to look all over the city, because somebody you had to talk to to advance the story or finish a quest, was wandering all over town. Hell sometimes they even wandered into the contryside, and without a strategy guide that nailed down their routine, it was a lot of aimless wandering.
  6. Its 5 years ago, but I look roughly the same (minus a receding hairline)
  7. Your Pikachu is starting to more and more resemble the Monopoly Man.
  8. That 10 dollar "prize" in Monopoly always pissed me off. Like having a tough boss drop a tincture in FF6.
  9. Can we upload a pic from our PC, or does it have to be hosted?
  10. Sadly, the last GOOD movie I saw was probably Oliver Stone's Alexander. (And I watch a LOT of movies)
  11. Holy crap! Beefy is here!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VicariousShaner


      Holy crap, Slagathorian is here!

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Beefy is a staple. Without him we are undone.

    4. RockyRan


      ^That. Right there.

  12. Anything that Valve makes. I dunno, I just don't enjoy any of their games. I never really liked Red Dead Redemption either.
  13. Hey guys, is there any way to post a picture from our computer into a thread?

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      There's the gallery you can upload to. I haven't used it much though

    2. deanb
    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Just upload it to imgur.

  14. I dunno, I've always much preferred console gaming for the many reasons: (these are all just mu opinion by the way) 1. Lean back vs. lean in. For me, its infinitely more comfortable to lean back on a big comfy couch with a controller in hand, vs. sitting at a computer chair leaning in. 2. Games. Consoles simply get much more games. (excluding flash ones obviously) 3. Buy a game, spend an hour trying to install, input serial numbers, delete old stuff to make room, tweek settings ect. Consoles games (or least least they used to be) are put in and play. 4. I prefer a controller to a keyboard and bouse, especially for action or fighting games. That's about it.
  15. Hey, good to see some familiar faces!
  16. Hello Everybody. Was recommended to come here by some friends on Kotaku. Am done over there, and am looking for another cool community! I see that a lot of old faces are here: Deanb, Bouchart ect.
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