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  1. But not underweight. $27 bedvframe. Fat Chewie. Taking bets over/under bets on the bedframe lasting a week. IT'S TWENTY SEVEN BECAUSE IT'S FROM COSTCO. It's $27 because it's a POS sold at CostCo. Tubs.
  2. But not underweight. $27 bed frame. Fat Chewie. Taking bets over/under bets on the bedframe lasting a week.
  3. From earlier, with Six, the last two matches: Match 6: Match 7:
  4. No worries, I'm honestly just worried about Brain getting any fights in at this point... Also, Omni beats Duke 5-1. GG Duke. Standings updated shortly.
  5. Omni beats Six 5-2. GG Six, I almost let that one get away from me early. Standings updated shortly, I'll edit this post with video links (thanks, Six) when they are done. Match 1: Match 2: Match 3: Match 4: Match5:
  6. The above edited standings reflect the latest updates. Johnny has removed himself from the league. Also, I'd suggest that Brain and myself get a move on with some matches.
  7. Standings post, to be edited with updates as they come in:
  8. The rules on character changing need correction/clarification: During a round-robin set, both players will use the character they selected at the beginning of that set, for the duration of that set. There is no obligation to play a particular character for the duration of the two-week round robin period, just finish each FT5 with the character you chose at the beginning of that particular FT5. For the tournament, you must use your chosen character for the duration of a set. Only when you have lost the previous set, can you change your character. The winner of the previous set may not change characters at this time. For example, Omni plays Six in the tournament. Six plays Q and wins the first set 2-0 in a walkover of Omni's Ryu. Before beginning the second set, Omni can change his character - let's say he picks Urien. Six must remain playing Q in the next set. If Six (Q) were to now lose the second set to Omni (Urien), before the start of the third set, Six could change away from Q. Clear as mud?
  9. I've not played it much, but I'm fairly certain this game is tough for everyone. Pickier about inputs than any game I have played before (including Street Fighters), and absolutely hilarious to come to after a season of P4A. Gotta dust off those execution chops, I guess!
  10. I've never played this particular game, and my SF character of choice isn't in it, so... I'm ready! +1
  11. Congrats to Six! Good matches, Ark... I'm on your heels. Duke, you really improved when switching to Yu. I look forward to whatever we decide to do next. Cheers!
  12. Thursday at 8pm (CT?) does work for me.
  13. Preface: I didn't help to organize this with the intention of anyone ever becoming upset. At least three people were upset because communication failed. That's inexcusable; I own that, and it's my fault. I would like a better system to confirm time availability (suggestions are welcome), but it seems the best way is to do it here. Can everyone do 8pm CT on Wednesday? If not, toss out an idea, please.
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