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  1. But I enjoy long walks on beaches wearing shorts.
  2. When I swapped from my original Xbox to the 360, I had to create a new account because I forgot whatever info I signed up with my original Xbox Live name...so I sat at the "Microsoft Suggests" or whatever screen and was just typing in stuff to see what variants Microsoft would come up with. I forgot exactly what I put in there...could have been my last name, Bacon Bits, Brofist, or whatever. I don't remember...but anyone who is familiar with Microsoft suggesting gamertags is that they're all extremely....weird...they seem to just be a random animal and a verb. JumpElephat, CuddleKat, Giraffedropkick, etc etc. Somewhere in all of that I saw "Sublethalend" and thought it was too sweet of a name to pass up....and I've been using it for just about everything since then.
  3. I was deleted from the system since I signed up like three hours before the forum swap/update/whateverhappened so here I am re-introducing myself. I typically go by Sublethalend everywhere I go and I'm sort of transferring from Kotaku.
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