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  1. I honestly can't remember what I've finished before June, but since the last week of June, I've finished: Infamous, Uncharted 2 and Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty. Oh and there was Homefront a little bit before then as well. Probably didn't beat too much else this year though. Had a pretty poor start to things after playing a lot during the end of last year.
  2. It's a play on the term "pile of shame" because you're trying to rid yourself of it and thus be shameless. It isn't an entirely serious name, really just something I came up with at the last minute when I was writing the blog about it.
  3. Looks like Shameless Gaming has spread to the real world: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2011/07/tasmanias-major-newspaper-is-down-with-shameless-gaming/ The article mentions Press X or Die although the online version (which will be up over at http://www.themercury.com.au/entertainment/attitude.html sometime soon) probably won't. Also, how's everyone going with this? I haven't finished anything since that marathon session of Uncharted 2 but I'm right on the cusp of beating the Starcraft 2 campaign on Normal and making steady progress in a few other games.
  4. Shameless Gaming month hasn't been forgotten about, a new post about it is up on my blog: over here. It was also posted up on the Australian version of Kotaku.
  5. That's what I meant. But this idea was spawned with Aussies in mind, and there really is nothing to do in the Australian winter.
  6. I'm back and I bring with me a proposal. Actually, instead of writing this out again, I'll just send you over towards my blog (or PXOD) so you can see what this whole Shameless Gaming Month malarkey is about. The short version is that there isn't much to do in July and everyone tends to have a ridiculous pile of shame, so why not take advantage in the lull in releases to sit down and play some of those older games that you never got around to beating? So, what's games form your pile of shame? Any particular titles you plan on using this month to conquer? Are there any games that many people have sitting in their piles of shame that might work for a book club type scenario?
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