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About Luftwaffles

  • Birthday June 27

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  1. I always give a shit about soccer! Technically I'm a former season ticket holder.
  2. Heh, I was just wearing mine today. Also, what a fucking fantastic first game in the group.
  3. First PC game I've played in a very long time (since selling my desktop, basically). I really like it. Wish the difficulty didn't spike quite so much about halfway through, but the combat's good (though slightly X-Com like), dialogue is clever, and the art style is awesome.
  4. It's the whole pseudo-chivalrous language that seems to pop up a lot nowadays, though I mostly see it on reddit. "Have an upvote, good sir" "So sorry, m'lady" "You sir are a gentleman and a scholar"
  5. Man, how you capitalized "DO" instead of putting it in italics is really setting off my OCD.
  6. I'm really not a big fan of Sandy Hook jokes.
  7. I did, but that video is always worth a watch.
  8. I think FDS is right about this. People point at Facebook as this big evil company buying up smaller companies and killing them, but I honestly can't see it. Don't get me wrong, Facebook is absolutely a sketchy company in the way they do their business, but Whatsapp and Instagram have been left completely alone. I can't say the same thing for the companies Microsoft or Google has acquired. I think the Rift will be fine, just like Instagram and Whatsapp are. After that though? Who knows. Instagram and Whatsapp have remained exactly the same, but that's a doublesided sword. They haven't changed for the worst by any stretch of the imagination, but that's likely because they just haven't changed at all.
  9. Gone Home I kinda missed the boat on this one when it first came out, but it was quite good.
  10. Shorts and t-shirt weather!
  11. Good year to be a Seahawks fan. Now please Seattle residents, don't Vancouver my city.

    1. TCP


      How can Seattle trash a city that's already a massive garbage dump? Lolololololol jk

      Vancouver riots when their team deserves to win but loses, or when Guns N Roses cancels a concert an hour before it's suppose to start (true story). When the city wins championships, I don't think there's usually riots. Seattle should be OK.

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