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Well so far its Me, Chew, Merged, Snippycarcass and one of our friends on the Steam Chat side of this, not sure about PXoD
Wanna shoutcast with me chew?
Sometimes you get random unnecessary FPS drops and lag but so far it aint too bad. Its really a matter of learning the maps. You will suck for a while but once you figure out the ins and outs of the maps and the bullet drop system your set.
YAYAYAYAYAY Anyway quite lonely here was an occasional writer. I may do some WoW experience points but....I am so far away in experience when it comes to writing than cyber was, not sure if you all would want it Been playing it for almost 8 years now, kinda sad to say that out loud lol. Im sure i have more hours logged in wow than cyber has in champions*I got 6 years on him though when it comes to playing it*
Been playing it, im absolutely in love with the game. Hit me up on steam if you wanna play.
Eewwwwwwwwwwww. No offence to anyone who likes the song, but for me it sounds as far from Batman as I can imagine. These songs aren't going to be in the actual game are they? They are a part of the soundtrack, but to really appreciate the song the lyrics help since they are so heavily based on concepts. Anyway if so i hope you like panic at the disco.
http://music.ign.com/articles/119/1194288p1.html I absolute love Coheed and Cambria*Im a fan of concept albums and Claudios voice* and they wrote a brand new song called "Deranged" for the soundtrack. Horrible IGN quality for the song but meh. Enjoy guys
If you read my opinions on the matter, you'll see I am dealing with it. By not purchasing the game. Sure, nothing is likely to change but that doesn't invalidate my decision to not buy the game, just as in the case of MW2. Neither does it deny me the right to voice my opinion on the matter. Would I like it if my complaints amounted to something? Yes, of course I would, but I'm not so naive as to assume that something will happen. Maybe it's the population at large or maybe it's just with gamers but lately, as mentioned in the RPS article, there's this general opinion of "Shut the fuck up! You're not allowed to complain!". It's often hypocritical too as those same people will complain at length about something else and feel they have every right to do so. In the end, it ends up coming across more like "Shut the fuck up! You're only allowed to complain when I agree with you!" and that's just absurd. Unfortunately, It seems to me that that's what you're doing here. On a final note, talking down to someone may come across to you as a good way to make yourself out to be the bigger/better/righter man but it's just insulting and doesn't help your argument in any way. Back on topic: Excel mentioned the complaints about the colour palette of Diablo III, does anyone here getting the game still care about that? I don't recall ever caring, I actually like the new style they went with. The color palette is fine. Its not too bright its not too dark*If i hear another person say its bad because its too bright im gonna snap*. They went with the graphical style because of WoW, a style of the like which ages very very well. A ton of games do it for that reason alone, it just means they are in it for the long haul to support this game.
TotalHalibut did a double interview on the game, its worth watching. Seriously guys if you enjoy The Elder Scrolls check this out!
Yeah....i buy MGS consoles day one*Looks at Big Boss PSP and MGS4 PS3*. I by year end should own 4 or 5 different versions of MGS3. MGS3 vanilla, MGS3 Subsistance, MGS3 Subsistance Limited Edition, MGS3HD,MGS3DS*Maybe, want a 3DS but im looking to see if there is a MGS version of it coming out with launch for it*. Twin Snakes was not THAT bad. I enjoyed playing MGS with teh MGS2 FPS view and things of the like. Sure some of the scenes were changed a bit but i can see around those issues. I think im gonna go to storage and pull out my collection and im gonna put my framed MGS posters on the wall. Keep forgetting to do it.
If any of you guys ever prowl steam chat or have over the last 2 years or so*Has it been that long?* you guys know that i am obsessed with Metal Gear. I literally own every title in the franchise that i could have gotten ranging from the original MSX games up to MGS:PW. If i had them here at home with me and not in storage i would go and take a picture of them all but sadly i cant. Im curious if anyone else here has the same kind of passion for a single game or even a franchise like i do. Another note, i actually own some pretty rare posters from the launch of MGS:PW from japan that i got frame din my room, im pretty proud of them. Alas no pictures for now, maybe later down the line.
So....there are 6 pages of rage here so i thought i would start new, Anyone else excited by third party support on this? I mean the games don't REQUIRE origin but we can pick them up for cheap on there if they actually sell them lower*Hoping*and just load them into steam.
There’s something out there: a juggernaut of evil bearing down to crush the Republic— unless one lone Jedi, shunned and reviled, can stop it. Revan: hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. A Jedi who left Coruscant to defeat Mandalorians—and returned a disciple of the dark side, bent on destroying the Republic. The Jedi Council gave Revan his life back, but the price of redemption was high. His memories have been erased. All that’s left are nightmares—and deep, abiding fear. What exactly happened beyond the Outer Rim? Revan can’t quite remember, yet can’t entirely forget. Somehow he stumbled across a terrible secret that threatens the very existence of the Republic. With no idea what it is, or how to stop it, Revan may very well fail, for he’s never faced a more powerful and diabolic enemy. But only death can stop him from trying. Straight from Amazon, it sums up his life and the first game aswell as what happened between this and SWTOR if i remember right so yeah. You dont have to play the first one if you just wanna read this. P.S. If anyone is NA and is looking to join The Empire i have a guild setup and a few members who are gonna be ready out the gate for the game, click here to apply*Everyones accepted here if they just mention PXoD*. Gonna be PVE Focused but PVP may come as well since we are not sure of our playerbase just yet. I got years upon years of GM experience aswell as Raid lead, if you are curious about my experiences just send me a PM.
Best part about it duke, even if your not a fan of MMO's you can go into it a if your playing KOTOR 3.BTW They also explain what happens to Revan after KOTOR 1 in this game HK47 IS ALSO IN IT BITCHES WOOOOOOOO! P.S There is a book coming out that will chronicle his life
I actually claw..... I did not have a computer until a few years ago but way back when i was forced to use mice like this I did not use this one but it was like it, it was a completely flat top so i had to arch my fingers up on it like the claw to press the button.
You dont need a 22 MB connection to stay online, you can have basic DSl and be just fine and stable. If your internet is not stable its your providers fault and you need to get them to do something about it. If your at a school then you need to talk to your tech team and get them on it. Paying for internet of any broadband form and not having it stable is an issue that can be solved with a phone call and an appointment with your local ISP. As for not taking europe into account, i assumed you guys would have internet of the same speed as i do or even faster and i guess thats wrong to assume. Anyways i will agree that it is annoying but it certainly is not as huge of an issue as the majority of people who will actually play the game will have. The ISP's can't always do something about stability. If thinks break, they should be fixed but how about the patchy connections many get during storms? Ireland certainly has enough of those in these months. It's not a huge issue, no, you're right. However, it is an issue for some of us and we'd rather not have to deal with it, especially when some of us had no intention of playing Diablo 3 online...when we assumed we wouldn't be required to. What do they exhibit? You may have to explain what you're getting at here if you want people to understand it. Who knows, if enough people actually not buy the game because of this*Doubtful imho* it might be fixed. Always online with cash AH or offline without the cash AH which leads to those shady sites coming back. IDK, but i personally would rather have blizzard handling my transactions. Im more than likely going to use that AH by years end, stats mean everything! oh and about the storms, i never have an issue with them here in orlando when it comes to my connection nowadays. 9 months ago or something like that i had a ton of issues with the cables being so fucked that i got everyone in the condo to sign a form to allow the cable company to come out and fix the entire building+ the line that was running into it.
You dont need a 22 MB connection to stay online, you can have basic DSl and be just fine and stable. If your internet is not stable its your providers fault and you need to get them to do something about it. If your at a school then you need to talk to your tech team and get them on it. Paying for internet of any broadband form and not having it stable is an issue that can be solved with a phone call and an appointment with your local ISP. As for not taking europe into account, i assumed you guys would have internet of the same speed as i do or even faster and i guess thats wrong to assume. Anyways i will agree that it is annoying but it certainly is not as huge of an issue as the majority of people who will actually play the game will have.
I never did take Europe into account but i have no clue how internet works over there other than that its better in some areas. Here in the US if someone has an internet connection that is not stable enough for an online game most of the time they get that fixed pretty damn quick. i personally live in a 40 year old apartment with exterior cable running in my walls as well as some horrible spliters. Call the company you pay and you get it fixed free of charge since you are paying for a rather expensive service. Other than that we have Wi-Fi running through each city and town through all sorts of company's from Mcdonalds to you name it. There is always Wi-Fi available somewhere here in the US. On the subject of those who say they are not gonna buy the game, Watch. I know i cant sit here and name names but slowly you will notice people stop bitching about the game and more of them playing it. it happens every time this happens.
I will not be buying it, and that's a strange assumption to make, and also a slightly offensive one. And no. Blizzard is doing what they're doing because they don't want people to pirate their game, and are using a draconian form of DRM without exploring alternate solutions because most people will buy the game anyway, while fucking a segment of their fanbase, the size of which is debateable, over. That's not okay. Also, what Vargras said about QFTing. Merged may be an asshole with what he said but i think hes right. I just dont get the fan backlash on the title, Always online is not a big deal. Seriously people its 2011, if your on this forum your more than likely have an internet connection on 24/7. Always online is not a big deal unless you plan to play this alone and constantly on the move away from Wi-Fi spots*Which are everywhere nowadays*, not to mention its to deter people from hacking weapons into the game and selling them for ACTUAL cash in the auction house. On the subject of the auction house, If people are complaining about this they deserve to be slapped. For years people have been selling items in D2 for cash through shady websites and practices, Blizzard is just taking a small cut of the action and making it a secure feature of the game*Kinda like another website...*. its gonna happen no matter what so why not make it safer and make a profit while they are at it? They are selling a good product with features that make it safer for me as a consumer to enjoy it. I argued with Chewblaha on skype for 5 hours or so about this and WoW lore*Yes, We donned our red shirts *. I really just think its silly how some people can get mad about a company going out and trying to make a profit. Anyway idk, i just personally have been getting annoyed with it. They are making a new Diablo game, gameplay wise the only thing people can complain about would be the art style or the classes. The always online DRM is far from a real issue to the majority and an online auction house is one of the best things to happen for us gamers. Imagine, playing and finding a really awesome weapon that is for a class you dont play, you can put it up on the auction house for either in game gold.....or actual cash and have it sell. They are allowing us as a consumer to make a profit off of their property and making a service that has been completely unsafe and actually illegal possible. Done ranting anyway, those who say they are not buying a game more than likely actually pick it up somewhere down the line. *Cough*L4D2, WoW, Portal 2 among others*.Just saying P.S. Got client installed and ready, Sent an email to an old guildy who work's at Bliz from way back when asking if he can spare a key. Lets hope for the best! P.S.S If enough people ask i will post a 2 min excerpt from me and chews rage fest.
Ever ask them if its a hardware issue? Maybe its the mouse itself, you ask for a replacement? THey normally do it without an issue from my experience. I had an issue with my Megalodons and they replaced it.IDK though but its worth looking into
Developers- 38 Studios, Big Huge Games Publisher-EA Release Date-February 7, 2012 (North America) February 10, 2012(Europe) Genre-Single Player RPG Releasing on- PS3, Xbox 360 and PC What do you get when you put Curt Schilling, R.A Salvatore, Todd Mcfarlane and last but Jesus Christ not least, the one, the only Ken Rolston! You get Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, a Single Player RPG that is of massive proportions. The game is absolutely massive with five unique zones and over 120 handcrafted and completely unique dungeons. Gameplay has been called a mix of God of War and Oblivion but the most obvious comparison would be Fable but what really is unique about this game is the class system and the way the story is told. You play a soldier that has died in a battle and has been resurrected via a machine called "The Well of Souls" and because you have escaped fate you have become a blank slate to change it or influence the fate of others. Since you are essentially a blank slate you can go into any of the 3 skill trees and depending on what skills you choose you will earn Destiny's which are makeshift classes that you can switch out for one or another. In all honesty, im more than willing to buy this for Todd Mcfarlane but when i heard Ken Rolston was heading this i lost my shit. IM BATSHIT INSANE FOR MORROWIND! This is really high up there on my list and far surpasses Skyrim in terms of hype. If your curious about it hit up that second video i posted there, its a 22 minute video that they showed the press at E3. BTW for the Rolston fans out there, click here for an Interview he did a few weeks ago for EA.
Personally, been using a Razer Mamba for 2 years. I have never had any issues with it and the fact that i can go wired or wireless is one of the coolest things about it.Its got 5600 DPI for those in need of high sensitivity and has the buttons on it to change it on the fly. it retails around $129.99 and is expensive like most Razer Products but over the last 2 years and being someone who owns quite a few of their items*Megalodon, Lycosa, Death Adder and Tournament Onza* can say that customer support is fantastic aswell as build quality. Alot of people will come out and say otherwise and that i might be jaded and meh....Maybe i am but i honestly do love my Mamba and would never change it in the world for another mouse.....unless.... P.S Aesthetics are always nice imho, its great when you have a Blue LED computer with blue LED everything else, idk but im a fan of matching my shit.