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  1. i always wondered why my prof was always chuckling at my pronunciation. i guess my Nihon is hick-ish
  2. i get your meaning. in my case, it was a Japanese girl trying to get me to play Silk Road. my life is weird. in turn, i was trying to get her [and her friends] to play Vindictus. the reason i got around to this whole mess was i stumbled into a chat one day and she was berating WoW players as a whole for continually paying to play what she [and her friends] considered to be a terrible game. so it started there. i wonder if shes back from yokohama... I do, but I only know the English for 'no'... いいえ it makes this sound that is phonetically: ee-yeh theres a bit of tone to it also to convey it to be a negative. surely someone here is fluent.
  3. ah yes. SWG. i remember screaming into my roommates room about how fuckn awesome it all was. and they patched it to include lag. [not shitting you there] cus apparently it was THAT good. then they purposefully broke the only MMO market thats ever worked. evar. i see gameplay vids now and im reminded of the time i was told SW was remastered and re-released into theaters! ... then i saw Jabba walking next to Han in the hanger. what a fucking joke. the last starwars-anything worth seeing/playing/watching/talking about was in 1983. EVERYTHING since should really be called "Rape Your Wallet Pt. 1, 2 and 3"
  4. Heroes/Vindictus is the best free to play game out there, imo. the removal of the tokens really freed up the gameplay, along with a lot of details. admittedly i preferred the old system of using a full SP bar and 10AP to transform versus the limitation of 1 transform per hour. i realize how slow it is now to level the path skill. especially if you play casually... i was coerced to try Silk Road for a while. what? ... do YOU say no to cute japanese girls? you might, but i dont.
  5. the country with the largest pool of professional game-hackers, does not extradite
  6. Fb? yeh i will pass on this one. the more i see of the gameplay trailer, the more i feel like the game is just slow enough to be engaging for console players. probably explains why the textures/graphics are somewhat mediocre. i was keeping up with it up till today. will probably forget about it until i walk past it on the shelves somewhere. go back home, pull the torrent, try it for a day, realize i had already played and become bored with borderlands group-run-n-gun games; uninstall and delete it. if a publisher wants my money; it needs to be spectacular. cus im completely content to load up my snes emulator and play FF3/SuperMetroid.
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