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About fuchikoma

  • Birthday 09/15/1981

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  1. Now who's altering quotes? "You've also got the hugely common element of them all being 2D (except the notable 4D example in the game that's yet to exist yet)." "But... any AAA game has the hugely common element of being 3D. If that's the most similar thing between games... I'm really not seeing the connection between them." "[2D screenshot] [3D screenshot]" (because that shows that all 2D games are the same...) #204 "Pointing out how most modern games are in 3D and how Atari and NES games are 2D and how all these games are not the same and thus puzzle platformers aren't samey is either being super thick or super obtuse." That was never the point. I pointed to old 2D games because 2D doesn't mean that Super Mario Bros is the same as Ikari Warriors is the same as Clu Clu Land is the same as Tetris, etc. Like I said originally, calling games samey because they're 2D is a weak argument and you could as easily apply it to 3D games. And look closer. The second posting has randomly formatted words too. I assume you didn't even try to quote that post of yours to verify it. You're right - what an odd bug that it comes up only on your posts. Maybe you're messing with code behind the scenes to make it happen then? I don't know - I'm not the guy running the board and I'm not the guy who made the software. I'm just using it like I would for anyone else. If you want to make up crackpot conspiracy theories about me, then knock yourself out. I won't interfere anymore. Don't forget to go back and remove the formatting errors from my previous post to make your last one factual.
  2. Maybe rather than being thick or obtuse, you're just not making a point with something you mentioned for some reason? It seemed apparent why you said they were all 2D, and I paraphrased to confirm, flesh it out and examine the argument, but rather than try to justify or explain, you just stoop to insults. Classy. I'm actually a big fan of VVVVVV and it's nothing like Shift 1 or 2 except that there are spikes in some places. Really it seems to be more like N+ or Super Meat Boy to me. I mean, VVVVVV is a "Metroidvania" open world where you flip gravity and fall upward, sometimes for screens at a time, and Shift is a single-screen stage-based escape puzzle where you reverse what is solid and what is void, and only fall if you jump off of something. That's really more Outland/Ikaruga to me. They do both kill you freely and don't count lives however... Yeah, we know what started this chain. I'm saying that the only way it really makes sense to lump all those games together as being too similar would be if just the suggestion of a puzzle platformer makes you go "eugh, another one of those!" without even considering how the game plays. If that's the case, there's not much to be done about it but I'm with FDS on this that the diversity of mechanics in those games makes the genre they're grouped under less of an indicator of sameness. And sure, in Serious Sam or Unfinished Swan, you start in one place and wander through assorted areas to get to the end so that could be termed "exploration." Actually, I'm not that big on SS, but I know that in US, your path is entirely linear to boot, so maybe it's just as suspect as an exploratory game - though with that mechanic, you could also be said to explore even an individual room... Now to the quote issue... look - I'm not feigning anything. You are literally the only person on any forum ever since around 1995 who has accused me of altering their quotes when I reply and as far as I am concerned I have still never done it to you, or to anyone. It's a serious charge to accuse someone of, but this is another thing where instead of explaining, you just stand by it. I explained then and now how the other time was not altering your quote; it was replying to it. (The stuff in quotation marks was the quote.) In this instance... what? I put what you said in between quote tags. If you're talking about the randomly resized words, I don't know what that is. I didn't alter anything, but yesterday as well as today, when I quote that post of yours, there are size tags peppered all through it and I figured if I took those out you'd accuse me of editing. If that bothers you, maybe look at code changes made to the board recently? I'm using Opera 11.61 and thus far this issue hasn't come up. So what's the deal? Is it resized words? Not having a timestamp and post number on every quote block? (Because that is extremely laborious, but I made a decent effort in the last post here.) Is it that I don't always quote the entire paragraph or entire post? I'm quoting you with the editor tool and the clipboard exactly as I've done for everyone else, and no one else has thought it to be nefarious. Below, I'll quote your entire post, untouched. Try it yourself and see if it comes out any differently... Maybe you had some code left in the editor tool after editing your own post? Woops, didn't mean to, the post did start with "FDS:". So I guess first: @Fuchi: There's some pretty diverse FPS titles. And one third of AAA games are still not FPS titles (And nor do AAA studios have some sort of promise on saving us from repetitive tiles either). Obviously what constitutes the puzzle part of a puzzle platformers is going to be somewhat different from one game to another. Be it swapping gravity, going fast, or just hitting the right bits in the right order. You've also got the hugely common element of them all being 2D (except the notable 4D example in the game that's yet to exist yet). @FDS: What back pedalling? You said to look at other indie bundles, and it turns out, to my own surprise since I did just throw it out as a rough guestimate, that other bundles fit the "one third rule" too. That's the complete opposite of backpedalling, that's shooting forward in fifth gear. Also you may have missed thequotes from the games own pages but they seem to think they're puzzle-platformers too and I've a feeling the developers of the games might know more than you. And no I really don't have anything against the genre, pretty much my only annoyance being just how many there are. If there was 1/3 of HIB titles being tower defense I'd likely be making this point too. The point isn't against the genre, it's against the saturation of said genre within in a sector of the...wait I've said this bit before. (And dammit I can't make a quip on repeating myself due to responding to someone clearly not reading what I'm saying due to the fuchi fumble)
  3. Showing pics of a 2D and 3D platformer doesn't really mean anything though... You seemed to be making the argument that a group of games was too samey because, among other things, they're all 2D. So I pointed to the group of games that'd been brought up as the compliment to that, which seems to be all 3D. It encapsulates one group no more than the other - the number of dimensions in the graphical presentation really don't imply that the games are going to be the same. Could you explain what you mean about editing your quotes? Unless there was a slip, everything I put between quote tags was taken from your posts verbatim and not abridged or concatenated. Last time you brought it up, if I remember right, I'd abridged it with the industry standard "[...]" which indicates content has been removed. Then I replied with an emoticon, which was in no way intended to appear that it had been part of your message. (It wouldn't fool anyone anyway as your unedited post was right there before it.) This time, remembering the dramatic reaction to quoting outside of quote boxes, everything within a quote tag was quoted verbatim. I just removed the irrelevant bit where you said (The preceding quote was an excerpt, and does not represent the original post in its entirety.) Sorry if you find that disingenuous, but it seems pointless to quote the entire post to avoid accusations of tampering when I can see no bearing on the discussion whether or not you'd said something you're saying before that. (The preceding quote was an excerpt, and does not represent the original post in its entirety.)I was just responding to your earlier post that I had quoted, where you'd said: (The preceding quote was an excerpt, and does not represent the original post in its entirety.) Maybe you were saying that of AAA games, <33.3% are FPS, where to me it sounded like you meant of AAA games, ~%33.3 are not FPS. I'm not big on AAA titles, so either one seems fitting to me (actually, I'm burned out on FPS myself, so the idea 2/3 are FPS seems more plausible when I look at where the biggest hype goes. Surely it must be close if you merge FPS and TPS...) (The preceding quote was an excerpt, and does not represent the original post in its entirety.) (Code's the same as the others for this fine print, but it won't work.) Sorry, but I'm not seeing that at all. It's not just "how the platforming works," it's what the game fundamentally is. That's like saying that Tetris, Bejewelled, and Minesweeper are all about the same because they're puzzlers, with a simple difference of how the blocks work. Maybe you're just burned out on platformers? Because any of the games I listed are like night and day, with the exception of one level of Psychout and one mechanic in Shift 2. The games are platformers just because they're 2D and involve "going to a place." I'd still posit they're more different than Skyrim and CoD: Black Ops, which I'm really not trying to suggest are similar games themselves. Is really like this,, or , just because you run and jump? That's like saying that is like this because you explore while aiming and shooting at things.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=ru3gH27Fn6E YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHH... [edit: fixed embed]
  5. But... any AAA game has the hugely common element of being 3D. If that's the most similar thing between games... I'm really not seeing the connection between them. Atari and NES games were 2D and many of those are worlds apart. Hang on... If one third of AAA games are not FPS, that means there's not too many FPS, but if one third of games are puzzle platformers, there's a glut of them? And really, would you say that the differences between games like Call of Duty and Medal of Honor - ok that's not fair, say CoD and Halo, or even Halo and Prey - are as broad as the difference between the most similar pairing of Braid (selectively reversing time to get a key to a door... as far as I've played), Shift (reversing whether black or white areas are solid or empty and flipping between them to navigate to the exit), Fez (rotating 3D scenes to compose 2D environments) or Miegakure (travelling along the 4th dimension to pull objects through the dimensional continuum to the correct place)? I can see looking at a breakdown by genre and being surprised how many fit into one category, but I don't think it's a big issue since many of them are so radically different. ...though if you want something fresh, in an earlier Indie Royale I found a game called "Sequence" that's a multi-page DDR dungeon crawler visual novel.
  6. FDS: True, of course. I've loved the EFF since the blue ribbon campaign, and reading The Hacker Crackdown, it seems they were cool even before that. FWIW, I still feel that puzzle platformers are much more diverse and original than FPSes overall. It may be the default indie format for now, but really, Braid, Shift, Psychout, Miegakure, Nightsky and Fez are all puzzle platformers, but they have very little in common, aside from some of them being based on getting to the exit of a level. I'd say Portal has more in common with Serious Sam than most of these with each other. (As for games like Super Meat Boy, VVVVVV, Gish and Cave Story, I wouldn't even call any of those puzzle games, personally.) [edit: Isn't it great when you use the opposite word from what you meant?]
  7. I'm not sure about this newest one. I have what I want from it, but it could be a good way to get the Isaac DLC since my existing copy is the HIB version too (unless there's another way? I haven't really looked into it.) I could also send more money their way this time since when I got it, I figured it wouldn't be for me, when it's really my most played game from the earlier bundle. Then... I could also just wait for the remake to hit Vita since it'll include a version of the DLC content if I remember right...
  8. So it's more like the little bit of internal memory on a digital camera then. Gotcha.
  9. Do they load/run at the same speed as usual from SD, or is it slower like on a Wii? (Somewhere between I'd guess? I know you'd need a sufficient class of SD card to be optimal.) I'd never heard of this... Right now my phone has 196 apps across 7.7 GB, but if I jailbroke, the unofficial apps I believe would install to spare space on the system partition - which is finite, but redefineable at the time of firmware flashing if you have a tool to customize it. Playing by the rules though, apps just use the same free space as any other user file on iOS.
  10. So there's a limited partition for storing apps? Can it be resized?
  11. With no "what you hear" source on my PC, things get silly. To record program audio, sound goes out the onboard card, into it again, and out a USB adapter to monitor it.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. deanb


      There's a common feature between these two PCs...

    3. Luftwaffles


      http://i.imgur.com/f5D5h.png You don't see any of this? What version of fraps are you using?
    4. fuchikoma


      I was on version 2.9.8 actually. It had a panel much like that, but the selection box for sources didn't allow selecting anything different from the mic. I just grabbed 3.5.9 and the special "Record Win7 sound" option works as it should, so thanks, Sporkwaffles. I figured it'd be like all the previous versions, relying on existing recording sources from the mixer.

  12. That's quite possible, though I wonder at what point you'd consider it "not" the metal... I'd think iron(III) oxide hydroxide (rust) and aluminum oxide are part of the standard package on Earth. When I took welding in high school I wondered if the smells might be things like skin oils burning off, but it really doesn't seem so to me - for one thing you can get the same smell grinding a piece of steel that's already had the surface freshly ground off. I can't say anything about it authoritatively, but "metallic" is definitely a commonly understood sort of smell and taste, even if it only applies to a tiny fraction of a subset of the periodic table. Fairly opposite to "heavy" or "rich," but definitely not quite "tart" or "sour" either, even if it's similar... (edit: To take a tangent of a tangent here... I said steel can smell "flinty" before, but one should definitely not try smelling the "flint" from a lighter, as it's actually ferrocerium and the fumes can have toxic effects.)
  13. Nice. I've seen some of that video series before... I disagree metals don't smell - steel can smell rather flinty, especially when burned or vaporized. (kinda nice, IMO...) I also made a chainmail t-shirt out of aluminum rings and it smells... metallic, like a metallic taste, for lack of better description. Gold is pretty inert though, so I don't expect much. (Then... a researcher who made plenty of cash making fragrance analogues found smell seems related to a vibrational frequency of molecules, so... who knows what the rules are? I could probably find that - it was on TED talks.) I'm a bit divided when it comes to gold: I like gold the material - it makes good tooth crowns, great conductive plating for contacts, good thermal reflector, nano gold can serve as a catalyst apparently, etc... it's very useful stuff. I hate gold as a commodity - not so much the market itself, just that it's been used for such gaudy displays of wealth and so many people have senselessly lost their lives for it. I almost never wear gold. Sometimes I make an exception for my replica "One Ring" From LotR, but it's really an atoms-thick coating of gold over a core of tungsten carbide...
  14. I know I just posted, but then I found this... To me it sounds sort of like something Primus would do, but more surreal... Knowing the stuff Team Meat, and mainly Edmund McMillen does, I'm sure it'll fit right in with the rest of it...
  15. MaliciousH, you're inspiring me to dig up the Red Army Choir stuff I have now... Incidentally, I learned that inhaling sulphur hexafluoride will make your voice sound super deep because it's so dense... but of course because it's not air, you can still asphyxiate if it's taken too far. (It's heavy stuff and will pool in the bottom of the lungs if it's not pushed out.) Funny this should come up now since I've been listening to Russian Circles lately... who are not Russian, but American...
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