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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I had a great week of culinary experiences. Homemade chili Grilled ribeyes Sushi Chuy's Mexican (Best Mex style rest. I've ever been to) First visit to a Five Guys Chipotle
  2. I'm currently riding back to my house from tenn. I'll be home in about 3 hours so I'll hop on then
  3. Going to a Thai restaurant in NashVegas
  4. Red ranger is stuck doing mundane tasks then driving for 8 hours
  5. Most people form their own ideas once they leave the 'den' of childhood. That's what happened to me. I seek not to hide from my past, but to illuminate it so that others may see the folly of their ways.
  6. I remember going to 'Centrifuge' which was a Christian summer camp. God damn. I want to kill my tween self.
  7. I made 'iLjaG' up when I was 12, and just started multiplayer gaming in Starcraft. At the time, the whole raNdOm CapiTaL leTTerZ thing was cool. Also, it was an acronym. i Love jesus and God I was quite the born-again evangelical. I changed my moniker a few years after I decided I no longer believed in a higher power and became Agnostic.
  8. Yarfunkle is a moniker I've used for about 5 years now. Before, I was known as iLjaG. Yarfunkle doesn't really have any meaning, I just thought of it one day and decided to use it.
  9. Sometimes it's fun to see someone so close to the edge.. and to just give them a little push..
  10. IIRC, I was 21-21-4 (or 21-21-7, not sure) I remember it was me and Coke destroying the moneyball while he sat on the outskirts. I'm sure he wanted to further stretch the game. But yeah coke, you totally should have trolled
  11. I have every available level 3 Starred. Woo hoo!
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