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Waldorf and Statler

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About Waldorf and Statler

  • Birthday 01/04/1991

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  1. Just finished watching The Wire season 4. That is downright the most powerful and emotional season I have ever watched in TV.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I'd heard that S5 had a few episodes cut (S4 had 14, I think, and S5 has something like 10-11) which is why the pacing is a bit off overall.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      in the recent reunion interview, they mentioned that S5 wasn't announced up until the point the contracts had ended and HBO ordered less episodes, so they had to deal with rehiring actors plus writing and making it fit. So yes.

    4. SomTervo


      That's a pity re S05's problems.


      S02 is dramatically a brutal low point, but it's also the most important season in many ways. In terms of setting the scene, building the narrative, and driving home a couple of big thematic points (death of industry, yo). Then 3 onwards just carries it away into a flawless sunset.

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