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  1. A lot of folks moving around all over the place. Recent changes made me realize how few decent options there really are for discussing games. Sure, there are some hardcore fans of specific genres and IPs that have places to go to. But for other gamers, ones that love the craft and want to discuss in detail, there really are few places that offer this. Some forums tend to circle the same discussions (like the Piracy argument, that's a dead horse), so it's important to have new content, new topics to discuss. There's a sound bunch of rational gamers here, so that's a nice safe spot for basically talking games, but I still think something's are missing. Hopefully you pleasant folk who put together the content can work something out, so that more of the discussions can actually center around the articles that get posted here. Anyway... I kinda digress, making this a little off topic...sorry bout dat.
  2. Finally...tomorrow we move. The rent is going to kick my ass, but I'm still looking forward to having a bit more comfort.

    1. WTF


      Home or Office? If it's home good luck. In the process of a move myself should be in the new place Monday. Office move comes later in the year :)

    2. GunFlame


      Home. A desk change may come at the office, but that'll be it for now. We've just had most of the furniture delivered, it's now the tedium of moving the cloths and nik-naks. But it's all good! :D

    3. WTF


      Glad to hear that :). I'm in the process of packing. Some new furniture and stuff will arrive on Monday and Tuesday. It'll be really nice to move and be sorted in :) So I can understand it totally. Glad to hear it's going good :)

  3. Finally...tomorrow we move. The rent is going to kick my ass, but I'm still looking forward to having a bit more comfort.

  4. I'm all Bleached out again... I finished watching the Bount arc (which was super dull), and now getting into the Arrancar arc. I've read all of the Manga up to the latest issue, but I've just become fed up with the Anime, the Bount arc just killed it for me... I'm interested in watching the Zanpakuto Rebellion, but that's about it. Right now, I dunno what to bother watching. I reckon my Anime phase is done for a couple of months, I guess it depends it something sparks my interest. I've got plenty of recommendations, but being burnt out on Bleach, and the Bakuman Manga has done me for now. Maybe I'll take a dive into some older stuff, a little Cyber City Oedo,Legend of the Four Kings, Patlabor (which is the best!!!) or Tenchi Muyo...maybe even Rayearth or X. It's been a while. I've been wanting to watch 12 Kingdoms for ages, but I can't find it anywhere...
  5. I'd love an updated version of XII, it's the best game of the series and it'd look fantastic if it was all HD'd up. But I wouldn't expect it to ever be part of a collection with X and X-2. I think a package with X and X-2 would be fine, but I don't think XII needs to be a part of it. XII already has it's own established world, and it's already been extended with Revanant Wings, so it should stay separate.
  6. There are numerous things that Publishers, Developers and Distributors should try and do or improve: - Quicker localization and multiple region releases - Region free consoles - A flexible pricing model based on content (games do not need to be $60) - The above, but including DLC - No DRM - Cross platform support (Valve's lack of console support, and the Skyrim/PS3 situation) - Ownership bonuses/Club bonuses (Own a lot of CoD, get free stuff) There are currently very few (if any) piracy measures that actually improve the experience of owning a product. There is no incentive. Piracy measures actually make purchasing, playing and owning more difficult and less desirable. With this being the case, how can it be considered anti-piracy? It's more like anti-consumer. Steam shows people will buy. Software sales show people will buy. The fact that the game industry and market is growing, shows that people will buy. Piracy measures are in place to counter the mythical "lost sale". Instead of countering this, they should try and increase sales and appeal to more buyers, players and owners. There are loads of ways that companies can go about increasing sales. But to make it more difficult to buy and play, is certainly not a way to do that.
    1. fuchikoma


      Awesome. But if you were blind, you'd have no idea what that video was about. :P

    2. GunFlame


      I know, I actually thought of that during the end of the clip!

  7. Square-Enix's virtual joystick/analog is complete dog shit. It makes Chrono Trigger play like a bag of asses.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      I learned my lesson with Final Fantasy 1 on iOS. Then I learned it again with Secret of Mana. Fortunately, I only have to suffer twice to actually remember my mistakes. Never again, Square Enix. Unless it's Final Fantasy IV or VI....... :(

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It's not like these games (not counting Mana) have action sequences...

    4. GunFlame


      It still impacts the enjoyment.

  8. I'd rather play it on a console, or at least with a controller. I had more fun physically playing Champions of Norrath and BG: Dark Alliance on the PS2, than playing Diablo II and Torchlight on the PC. I just don't have the coordination for Mouse and Keyboard.
  9. Where's My Water? Is a pretty cool game, I wouldn't by it, but 20 levels for free, that's okay. I thought I'd had enough of these kind of puzzlers, I guess not...

  10. http://wii.ign.com/articles/121/1215619p1.html Catch 22 People pirate it, which shows that there is a demand for a game they may not get, so now Nintendo may go onto think they shouldn't release games because they'll just get pirated.
  11. Groove Coaster is a pretty cool game...Sonic 4 on the iPhone is not...

    1. madbassman39


      I want to know whose idea was it to give sonic 4 a virtual thumbstick instead of a virtual d-pad, because that was a dumb idea for a sonic game.

  12. I honestly don't think there are that many characters that are deep enough, or stories that go deep enough, where the sexuality of the character would be revealed. As far as we know, a lot of main protagonists could be gay if they haven't specified or shown that they are straight. And when they do show that they are straight, it's far from subtle. It's smack in the face innuendo, or more common now; sex. Even though you could be gay in Mass Effect, there's hardly depth in the character. Master Chief could be gay, Joanne Dark could be gay, Doom guy, Jill Valentine, Ryu, Cammy, your Dragonborn, any character who hasn't had it clearly defined. Video Game characters are still so shallow; their likes, dislikes, preferences, feelings, moods, really don't matter. They barely have an impact. They go from character moment, to gameplay moment, shattering any possible personality consistency or relatability. Maybe this is actually a positive for games in an odd way, maybe Grey Fox is gay, but he just gets treated like anyone else regardless of his sexuality.
  13. Procrastination is the bane of my existence.

    1. Pirandello


      Hmm. I'll say something about this later.

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