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    the Netherlands

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Last night, after fourteen hours, I finally finished Catherine. I got the True Lovers ending. It was fitting for the choices I made throughout the game, so I'm happy about that. Right now I'm just racing through Stage 9 again, just changing my answers. This time around it's easier too, because I know my way around the stages a bit. I got the Bad Cheater ending this time. Onto the next ending. After the third I'm probably going through the game again, this time going for Catherine all the way. I want dirty pictures, yo.
  2. Same here! Unless there's a new Pokemon game before that.. but what are the odds of that happening? Even with Layton vs Phoenix Wright being announced I was a bit hesitant, but with this price cut I won't have much holding me back. I guess that's the main problem though, the 3DS didn't launch with enough system sellers.
  3. I've been considering going back to VIII. I never got to finish the last disc, and I wouldn't mind replaying the entire game. I had great times with it years ago and I think it will be really fun playing it again. Now, I do own the PSX discs, but maybe I should just buy it off the PSN store.
  4. I took a break from this game after finishing it and getting 100% complete. Now all I have to do is get just a couple more trophies for the platinum. I'm so close.. just... a bit... more... I did get the flamethrower in that last chapter but didn't get to kill anyone with it, so I'll have to start that chapter again.
  5. I can't wait to play this... maybe I should just import it. I really don't have the patience!
  6. I've played the first Puzzle Agent, and I liked it. I was browing Steam today and noticed Puzzle Agent 2. I might buy that one soon. It's kinda like Professor Layton, but for PC. If you like Layton and/or simple puzzle games, go for it. The art style is interesting and while I never really laughed out loud, the game can be funny.
  7. Knap? Waar hééft ie het over?

  8. Pssh. Wat denkt ie wel niet, zeg.

  9. We'll be playing again tonight at 22:00 GMT!
  10. We're playing Uncharted 2 right now. Join join join!

    1. Sindo


      My router is pitching a fit :(

    2. Mal


      You have awoken the dragon.

  11. Awesome! Right now 6 people have confirmed they'll play. We'll probably play around 23:00 GMT.
  12. I'm down! I should actually be home that day, too! Yay! And I have a headset that's awesome! Double-Yay! Also, KZ3 - buy it and play it with meeee sometime!

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K99GqE4VNRs Found this interview today.. I want to see actual gameplay footage (that doesn't last two seconds)!
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