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About SixTwoSixFour

  • Birthday 03/16/1989

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    Seichusen Godanzuki

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Six vs. Omni, First Set: Six wins, 5-0. Come on, guys! Play each other, not just me! XD
  2. Nah, it was just me. I just hype myself up. You understand. Maybe. Maybe you really really don't =P EDIT: Six v. Shaner, First Set: Six wins, 5-0. Good fights, man! I don't wanna spoil the surprise for anyone who plays him, but... there is one character on his team who is a real, real big problem =P
  3. My mike was on? My mike was on. Oh dear god. Ohhhhh god. I'm sorry. T.T EDIT: Six v. Duke, Set 1: Six wins 5-0. Good fights! By the end of that, we may have figured out a team for you, eh?
  4. God, KoF is so TENSE. The way it's set up, even when you're up a character you're thinking "oh shit oh shit oh shit"

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Agreed. Kingdom Onder Fire is great game

    2. Eleven


      ^ I thought that was a silly comment


      "Oh WaS, what a silly comment!"


      But then I realized it should be read in a russian accent!


      "Oh, I wonder if that was done on purpose?"

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      Well, I meant King of Fighters, so... even in a russian accent, is pretty silly.

  5. And the first fight is done! Six vs. Cyber Rat, first set- Six wins, 5-2. There was a little eurolag, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be! Good games, man.
  6. You probably noticed we didn't start. My bad. Scheduled it the same weekend as SCR, which was real dumb. So all us fighting game fans have been watching that. We'll start monday instead.
  7. Hey. Folks. Anyone wanna do a custom game on Anarchy Reigns PS3 tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I don't think I would be able to connect to you. However, if things keep going my way, sometime next week and I should be finally able to play multi in Anarchy Reigns.

    3. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Any Tuesday night possibilities? Maybeeee?

    4. SixTwoSixFour


      I work every Tuesday night... but I'll be back by 9:30 PST, so sure! After that works for me.

  8. Okay! It looks like we have five participants, then- myself, Duke (Thorgi), Shaner, Cyber, and Omni. Rule time! And copypasta. The league is going to officially start Friday, January 18th, so start practicing! Let me outline how this will work. Part 1: Round Robins The first part of the league is the the round robin matches. In a two week period (Jan. 18-Feb. 1) everyone will play every other player, twice. Each match is a first to five (FT5)- the first person to win five games, wins the match. By the end of the first week, try to have played five of these matches- you have ten total between the two weeks, and it would be lousy to have to blitz them all in the second week. The purpose of the round robin matches is seeding- to help determine who should face whom in the first round of the tournament. If we have ties in match wins, they will be tiebroken by how many games you won over all- so even if it looks like you can't win a match overall, don't give up! Every game you take counts. Part 2: The Tournament After the first week of round robin matches are done, we'll get together and figure out a date and time that works for everyone for the tournament. The tournament will be set up by either me or Omnimon, so don't worry about the math side of things- you just need to worry about playing. The first matches of the tournament will all be arranged using the seeding from the round robin- the person who won the most matches will be against the person who won the fewest, and so on until the two people in the dead middle are matched. The tournament will be double elimination, which means that if you lose one match, you're not out yet- you go to the loser's bracket, and if you lose THERE you're out. So, two losses and you're out of the tournament. The scoring for matches will be kind of like tennis- game, set, match. Every game is three to five rounds, depending on how long it goes. You have to knock out every character on the other player's team to win a game. The first person to win two games wins a set, and the first person to win two sets wins the match. If you want to change characters, you can do that at the start of a new set, but not during one. Part 3: The Rules Just one rule needed here- when you're playing a set, only the loser can switch characters or team order. If you won the previous match, you cannot change anything.
  9. Ask Jason Rubin a favor, he says no. FIGURES.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SixTwoSixFour


      You've always got my back, WaS.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      More like Jason WHObin?

    4. Vecha


      More like Reuben sandwich. Amirite?

  10. =) Glad to have you, Omni. And all you other fighters as well! We've got two more days of sign up, then we'll talk scheduling!
  11. Alright, folks, our last fighting league fell apart due to people dropping out, and latency issues. Not gonna happen this time. Right? Right. This time we're doing King of Fighters XIII on the PS3... and if you have had PSN Plus for a while now, you probably picked this game up for FREE! So no excuses! None of us (that I know of) have spent much time with this game at all, so don't be worried about ringers and sharks- let's just all battle and have a good time! Post here to let me know if you're interested- I'll be hoping to get this league off the ground next Wednesday, the 16th of January. Sooner or later is possible, depending on what people want.
  12. Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, free for a limited time on PSN Plus. Seriously. You owe it to yourself. The most balanced fighter of this generation.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Vanilla SF4 had the best balance.

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      Cyber: Ah, yes. VF5 is so old I honestly forgot it was still this generation. Fair point.


      As far as AE, perhaps you are thinking of AE at launch? The "AE2012" balance patch has been applauded in the community as being pretty damn close.

    4. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Did that patch hit PC? I've been playing a bit of AE since I got it on Steam recently, and the problems I had with SF balance are still present.

  13. My body is ready. I know I'll follow my usual Disgaea pattern here- buy game on console, play a little,move on, pick up the handheld rerelease and spend insane amounts of time on that version- but damn it's just good to have Laharl back. Also, genderbent Laharl, do want.
  14. Good fights, all! Brain says he'll be 3SOing on Saturday... he's got a lot of catching up to do =)
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