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Everything posted by quiddity
I just started listening to this band, and Iove the whole album. Really great stuff
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8oLJXUVDhk Love this song. Highly recommend the anime too even though the ending is kinda meh (original ending, manga is still continuing)
So little summary of Fall anime I've been watching Kimi To Boku - Slice of Life focusing on guy characters for once, and is NOT yaoi! Well as much as I want to like this show, the main characters have been pretty darn boring so far. I'm going to give it one more episode (watched the first 2) and I'll drop it based it on that. Shakugan no Shana III - I didn't really like the 2nd season, but I might as well finish the story. Can't really tell anything about the first episode without spoiling things, but I suppose this season could be good. Will probably watch it to the end. Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai - I had really low expectations for this one, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it pretty enjoyable. Basically deals with anti-social kids who try to fit in. This could end up being pretty good if doesn't just turn into an ecchi fest (which could very well happen later on) Hunter X Hunter 2011 - So I adore the original HxH, and I've been waiting for them to continue the anime. Instead they decided to do a complete remake. Note, this is NOT a remaster like DBZ Kai, it's completely new art, animation, everything. They even changed the voice actors, which I was pretty worried about at first. While I'm not too fond of Gon's new voice yet, Leorio and Kurapika are pretty much perfect. One thing though, it's going at a much faster pace than the original, think how FMA Brotherhood condensed the first 26 eps of FMA to about 10. While I don't mind since I've seen the original, I don't know how good it will be for newcomers. I still hope they slow down the pace significantly soon. Persona 4: Eh, Alright. I feel like they have a lower budget than they ought to, some of the character's faces felt a bit stone-like at times. Not to mention that just every track is lifted from the game. Not that that is a completely bad thing, but I was hoping for some new music honestly. Ben-to - WTF surprise of the season, this is actually pretty darn entertaining. It's based on a pretty stupid situation (freaking lunches) , but its well directed enough to make it interesting. I'd give it a look before completely ignoring it. Phi Brain - Meh mostly, trying to fit in as many shonen like buzz words into a show that shouldn't really need it. Dropped it. C Cubed - Another surprise, from the first episode I thought this was going to be pretty boring, but I gave it another chance and was thoroughly entertained for the 2nd episode. Won't say why its different as that spoils things, but I do recommend you watch the first two episodes before you pass judgement. Has more ecchi than I like, but I'm pretty used to it now. I still have to get around to seeing Fate/Zero and a couple others...
I suppose so, but early 2012 isn't that far away now. It's not like Amazon only puts up pages for games with solid release dates (Infinite is given as December 31st). They need to drum up interest for this game, its already got a weird name and a niche audience, the very least they can do is get the game on online retail sites... I'm not blaming Amazon by the way or complaining about Infinite either, but if they want the game to sell they (the company releasing the game in NA) gotta get it out there more.
It's annoying that this game doesn't even have a page yet on Amazon, let alone a pre-order option. Bioshock Infinite doesnt release till Fall 2012 and you can pre order it. Goddamn marketers...
Uncharted 3 Subway promotion(win free stuff!)
quiddity replied to Strangelove's topic in PlayStation Games
Went to Subway today and they were cleaned out of Coupon Stickers and the Uncharted Cup. They said they probably wouldnt be getting another shipment of promotional material either. Might be different in other places, but I would go sooner rather than later if you want those codes. -
I read the manga of the Berserk first and tried watching the first anime, but couldn't... I just wasn't feeling it. That said the Berserk manga has been quite sucky for the past year or so(although a year only means like 6 chapters for Berserk >_>)
I don't think its too widespread, there aren't too many anime that are really focused on hard rock. Tangentially everyone should watch Detroit Metal City, one of my all time favorite anime. It's a pretty awesome satire on Metal and Metal fans. Its very short though, some 12 episodes that are 10-15 minutes long.
Uncharted 3 Subway promotion(win free stuff!)
quiddity replied to Strangelove's topic in PlayStation Games
Argh, I'm annoyed. Went to Subway, they had all the promotional materials up and all that, but I don't think they got the special cup yet. When I asked the guy at the counter, he just put a sticker with a code on mine. When I tried to redeem it, it only let me select multiplayer cash or a dynamic theme, the early multiplayer access was still locked out. -
Well i saw the Gamestop tablet topic and thought it would be fine here. Would it be better in Off-Topic?
Oh yeah, finished watching season 2 of Kaiji today. While I liked the season mostly despite the fact that I thought the set ups were so much more boring compared to season 1 (chinchiro? pachinko? seriously????) I have to say the end was a let down. I always knew the story was not ending in this season, but still... it was just... lame.
Using Turtle Beach PX21 and it works pretty well. I can get both the sound from the game and the sound from chat to all come via the headphones. They are USB too btw, though you have to connect it in two places for it to work for both.
So Amazon revealed their tablet officially today. I have to say, at $199 its the first tablet I've actually seriously thought about getting. The 8GB with no SD card slot worries me though. I have trouble enough with the lack of space on my iPhone 8GB version. I'm probably a lot more likely to get a Kindle Touch. Thing looks sweet Links to info: http://gizmodo.com/5844649/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-kindles
Bleach Spoiler We cant tag spoilers with descriptions in this forum? The BBcode doesnt seem to be working...
Finished 3 arcs, so I haven't seen Rihoko's arc yet. I heard about the 2nd season too, though I think it was just announced or green lit, so it might be a few seasons till it airs. Pretty much I really liked Bleach up to the the Rescue Rukia arc... and then it just turned into mindless crap. I stopped watching the anime a while ago. I still follow the manga for some reason even though it isn't really any better. Yeah One Piece is the best of three imo, but the barrier of entry is high (weird art style, kinda boring first couple of arcs). I think Naruto doesn't get enough credit. If you take out the filler it really does have one of the more solid plot lines out there (for a never-ending shonen show).
I can't draw much on my own, I usually look at manga pages and draw. Here are a few of the better ones.
Currently watching Amagami SS and enjoying it more than I thought I would. 4 eps per arc is a little short though. Would have rather they went with longer arcs for each girl and less arcs overall, but ah well.
Finished Ender's Game last week, and started reading Speaker for the Dead a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed Ender's Game and I generally do not like Space based science fiction novels (with the exception of Hitchhikers Guide)
I finished watching it this weekend and really enjoyed it. Haven't read the manga and not sure if want to. Although I want more, I think it ended well enough. I watched it till about about episode 13 and had the same reaction. I stopped watching it for a bit and just lost interest. Not sure if I will continue it.
Great posts! If you don't mind my asking, what's the most difficult/annoying thing so far in the development cycle?
Super Mario World: The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros on my friend's NES. My dad asked if I wanted a console too when he saw how much fun I was having. A couple months later my Dad comes home with a SNES with SMW packed in. It was the only game I had for probably more than a year or two, but I seriously did not mind. Donkey Kong Country 2: This, in my opinion, is the best 2D platformer ever made. I think it also holds a special place for me since it was really the last game my older sister ever played with me. Once things turned 3D she lost interest fast. I suppose that is somewhat significant since we lived in a neighborhood that did not have many kids. I pretty much went single player from there, which has definitely fed into my current preferences now. Pokemon Red: So I was THE pokemon guy at school. Knew all 150 by heart, when they evolved, when they learned their moves. I was that guy. Collected Pokemon Cards, followed the Pokemon anime (which led to find other anime which might have changed me forever, better or worse), hell I even bought the Pokemon Music CD. When I started attending a boarding school, I slowly stopped playing the series, but Pokemon introduced me to the RPG genre, and I would never be the same. Banjo-Kazooie: This game, in my mind, is the pinnacle of 3D platformers. The game had everything, fun power-ups, some of the best worlds ever to grace gaming (Freezeezy Peak, Tick Tock Woods), amazing sound design, and an all around great atmosphere. People will always cite Super Mario 64 as the pioneer, and I'll give respect where its due, but BK just outdid SM64 in every single aspect. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time: Not original? Don't really care. I remember playing Link to the Past when I was kid and honestly hated it (I guess I was too young for it at the time). So I didn't really think too much of this game. Everyone was talking about it, so I thought it was at least worth a rental. I was hooked so fast I didn't even see it coming. I begged my Mom to buy the game and I was lucky she was in a good mood. I seriously have no idea how many times I've played this game. It's the game that made me think about getting into the game industry, and if I have my way this year it might actually happen. While I actually preferred Majora's Mask over OoT, OoT was definitely more influential on me. Final Fantasy VII: So I actually played this game on the PC and not on the PSone, since I didn't have one at the time. I first borrowed the game from my friend and got about half way through the first disc where it kept crashing (That guy could never take care of his discs). I was really pissed off. I honestly could not ask my parents for another game since things were tight at the time. I was really bummed about it, and there was a lot of crap happening in my family. My sister saw that and she bought the game for me using money she got from her part-time job (she really is the best sister in the world). I can definitely say it was money well spent. The number of hours I put into that game were just insane. Multiple playthroughs, beat Emerald and Ruby etc etc, I don't think I've ever beat a game so completely. Xenogears: So Xenogears is my all time favorite RPG. When I got my PS1 (quite late, the PS2 was already released) I got this and FFIX. All I can say is I picked the right two games to start with. Well, maybe they were the wrong ones since I would compare everything else I played after them to those two. Either way, Xenogears was unique, touching on subjects I never thought would ever be uttered in a video game. The story was so deep and intriguing, and the characters so well fleshed out, I didn't even care that the 2nd disc was just a mess of incredibly long exposition and frustrating badly designed dungeons. I lapped up every word. And the dual battle system of Gears and human was just so awesome. Throw in what I consider the best soundtrack ever made and you have one very happy quiddity. Final Fantasy IX: This was the other game I got with my Playstation and I was surprised by how much I liked it. While Xenogears was a mostly dark story, FFIX was the complete opposite. Happy, colorful worlds, cheerful (for the most part) characters and a relatively simple plot. I was in love with the Active Time Events (to this day I curse Square for abandoning them) since they really gave a feel for the characters that just wasn't possible using the traditional method of seeing everything through the main character's eyes. Warcraft 3: One of these things is not like the other.... I'll admit, I'm a console gamer (though thats been changing a bit recently). While I was in my boarding school, we used to play Age of Empires 2 in the computer labs. I liked it, but wasn't really sold on the whole thing. A couple of years later, my friend introduces me to Warcraft 3. They had it on all the systems at this gaming cafe. I started playing the campaign, and I was hooked. I ended spending way more there than it would have cost to just buy the game. Though at the time I had a shitty computer, so it didn't matter anyway. When I got to college I had to leave all my consoles at home, and I finally got a decent laptop. I started playing WC3 again... and again... and again. It's the only strategy game where I've actually liked the multiplayer. Pros say its broken, but screw them, its the most fun I've had in any multiplayer game ever. At the end of college we started playing DOTA, never got too into it since people turn into amazingly huge dicks when they play that game.
Games that I've beat this year... Let's see.. PSP: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep DS: Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations PS3: Infamous Infamous 2 Final Fantasy XIII Portal 2 Alice: Madness Returns Uncharted 2 Assassins Creed Brotherhood Red Dead Redemption On everything: Plants Vs Zombies So far my favorite game this year has been inFamous 2, followed by AC:B. I also might need to be taken somewhere for my PvZ addiction.
Well hello all. I go by quiddity, and that is my name on Kotaku as well. Thought I might as well join since this looks like a nice enough place.