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Everything posted by drag

  1. oh cool. i only heard about it a few days ago so assumed it wouldn't hit for a while yet ... well i'll have to buy it then at some point. fuckin ms points
  2. i'm totes gonna get this after the update i liked the demo quite a lot for some reason, it had a certain charm to it ... fuck knows
  3. it's a good game, everyone should play it ... just doesn't warrant all this shit-losing all these reviews are doing.
  4. i'd hope everyone was capable of joining their letters up it's not exactly difficult.
  5. just for finishing the game normally i.e. beating the last boss
  6. now their gay red banner says to me 'To ensure continued access to your account, please update your email address.' yeah like i'm ever going to give you idiots my email address ever again.
  7. i've got three, nearly four endings now (out of six) so ... getting there. might have to look at a guide to get the others though which is pretty lame.
  8. from everything i've heard it's supposed to start slowly so you probably stopped playing right before stuff starts going down
  9. seems like the only person's details that don't appear in the hacked files must be those of ... THE HACKER THEMSELVES I got a status update saying you quoted me I'm sure that kind of update won't get annoying what if i do it every single time?
  10. seems like the only person's details that don't appear in the hacked files must be those of ... THE HACKER THEMSELVES
  11. Got a bunch of games through today. Started with Mirror's Edge ... when everything is working well it's really awesome, but yeah that happens less than I would like.
  12. if i ever post there again someone can kill me
  13. i doubt i'll buy the next one unless they do something different ... i was swayed by blops because it looked like they were doing a lot of things right. and they did, it's a very solid online game, i just got bored with it really quickly despite that. had enough of this type of game now. i'm keeping it though, because it's better to play on your own than bad company 2 is, and i recently discovered the joys of playing using only knives which is challenging and makes things interesting. so whenever i pop back on that's all i'm doing.
  14. i used the same password across sites i thought would likely be secure, then a different one for places i couldn't give a shit about if they got hacked sadly i assumed one of the biggest blog networks or w/e fell in that category i hope they all drown
  15. so ... i should be alright as long as i change my drag account password? which i have done already i tried to change my twitter password before i realised that the email for it and maybe the password i've not used on anything else before. now i basically can't get back in and it wants a phone number before it'll resend/ reset my password. i never gave it a fucking phone number
  16. yes please ... check for drag and sanzen for me? also maybe drift, but that one's hell of old and i don't think i linked my email to it so whatever.
  17. Just ... fucking ... urgh. I've changed everything important I think, just in case, even though I didn't see my name on any lists. I'd still like to get the full list to make sure, but the torrent has been removed. Why is there no option for deleting accounts on their stupid websites?
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