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About Eleven

  • Birthday 05/23/1985

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    Video Gaming and TV!

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  1. Eleven

    Your Rig

    What kind of motherboard do you have? Do you want a small case? I was planning on upgrading, but after looking at the cost a 2nd time (costs about $600 to switch my current rig to a Ryzen 2600x from an i5-6500), it wasn't really worth it right now. I can wait. I did find a cheaper case that's pretty good though. The Phantex P350x. Tempered glass side panel, captive thumb screws, RGB support, radiator support (in front i think) if you watercool, and magnetic dust filters. I'm only linking this below because I like the picture, but check out a review on YouTube! https://www.windowscentral.com/phanteks-p350x-pc-case-review Another one that looks good I think is the NZXT H500. But I'm not sure how well it performs with air cooling (is it even supported? I've only seen these water cooled). But I really like the look of it. Even if you don't like those, I would suggest look for one with the same features. I like my small case right now, but I hate opening it (and cables are a mess!).
  2. I wanted a Tales game on Switch but I never thought I'd get Vesperia on it. Awesome.

  3. A SteamLink is $2.50 right now. The hell...


    I'm gonna buy a bunch. Well, maybe another one so I can have 1 in the bedroom...

    1. Eleven


      $7.99 shipping though :(

  4. Cait is one of my favorites (the other being Nick, just because of how unique his character is). Can't really tell why, I guess I find it amusing how angry she is all the time and it's hilarious how you can catch her shooting up behind your back. Danse would be third, if ever I wanted to run around cleansing the commonwealth of muties, synths and ghouls. Anyway, it's too bad I already got Cait on my current playthrough, I would have liked to play the cut Combat Zone content myself. I guess they ran out of time.
  5. Been playing Far Harbor for hours now and I was ready to say it was a good expansion. Then I reached the memories section.


    Thank god for mods. Whoever came up with that idea needs a good talking to...

  6. I was watching a video about Fallout and apparently it's referenced in 3 anyway, so yeah, it's officially canon i guess. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Burn_this_goddamn_jumpsuit
  7. My justification for buying Fallout 4 on Xbox was limited mod availability. It would help me just play the game and the DLCs instead of drowning in mods. But then I figured out how to port those PC only (as of yet) mods to Xbox One... and I'm here playing with the Geck instead of playing the game.
  8. Finally got back to playing Horizon again. Had to finish the main quest because I forgot all about the story. The acting (not the voice acting) in The Frozen Wilds is pretty cool. Well, maybe sometimes I think they move their hands too much. I just saw Aloy facepalm though... its a huge difference from how conversations happened in the original game. Reminds of some scenes from the Witcher 3.
  9. Why does it seem like it’s harder to aim in Farcry 5 than Destiny? I can’t quite pinpoint what it is...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Bungie games (Destiny included) tend to have really excellent controller aim assist that helps immensely without feeling like it's doing much. Far Cry's probably just isn't as strong.

    3. TCP


      So it sounds like Bungie games have baby mode activated. Toughen up, Eleven!!! 

    4. Eleven


      I think I’ll have to play destiny again and see why. But yes might be the auto aim. Actually I’m sure that’s it. Anyway, I end up just releasing L2 and pressing it again to auto acquire targets again, which I didn’t seem to do in destiny.

  10. That was better than I expected! I don’t watch japanese wrestling and mainly stick to the WWE (mostly due to not really having an easy way to watch the others) though i’ve gotten familiar with Ibushi and Omega the past few years. That’s pretty cool though. That’s what I really want in wrestling, the long term storyline, though really it’s kind of rare. This is what I want to happen with Zayn and Owens though. But they’ve switched to being friends and enemies a few times now, WWE can’t make up their minds! But I guess in the long run that can be brushed aside in favor of few key events in the years to come. If there’s one thing the WWE is good at, its rewriting their history!
  11. Wait until you get her Rank 10 perk!! She’s the best! There is and there isn’t. You get an extra scene if you do multiple. You don’t lose a scene with your main girl (the one you choose to spend those days with), like you don’t lose a chance to do something more with them because you did multiple. You don’t lose end game items. Without spoiling, you technically “lose” something, but at that point in the game, it doesn’t matter, is what the consensus is and I agree. I did multiple just to see how each of those stories would play out.
  12. I've played the first Castlevania on NES, what's the castlevania part of a metroidvania anyway? I always thought the backtracking stuff is a Metroid thing but never really thought about the other part...
  13. Did Microsoft say that somewhere or is it just analysis based on what they're doing? I can totally see it as they spent all this time with 360 backwards compatibility just to make the next gen not backwards compatible from the start. And I like how they implement their other systems too like game pass. So I imagine, when the next gen Xbox gets released, Xbox One games would be on game pass too. I really like a lot of what Microsoft is doing on the Xbox and I would move completely unfortunately Sony's exclusives just appeal to me more.
  14. So what is the impression right now about Backwards compatibility on consoles? Are we pretty confident it would continue from now on, and that console generations would most likely be hardware upgrades like XBox One X / PS4 Pro?
  15. When you're reading a case file... what does PEO mean? What does it stand for and why is it so hard to google what it means??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pojodin


      professional employer organization

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      People v. <Defendant> is a common state criminal case name. Never seen it abbreviated PEO. I thought your first reply to me was a joke btw.


      It should be clear from the case details if PEO means "people."

    4. Eleven


      I realized it was completely out of context when I read Ethan's reply. My posts lacked any details, sorry.


      @PojodinProfessional Employer Organization is what comes up, but I don't know if that's what it means. I was just looking up cases and saw those, but there aren't really details on the one I'm looking at (it was like an index of sorts).


      Huh.. I'll google some other cases and read the details. It seems weird to me that's what it would mean, I figured it has to be something lawyers would instantly know so I thought I would ask.

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