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About Eleven

  • Birthday 05/23/1985

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    Video Gaming and TV!

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  1. Is there a fundamental difference in how to use Google vs Bing? I've been using Bing for the past week just to try out the rewards thing, but it is constantly not giving me stuff I want. It doesn't do keywords well. I mean even adding "wiki" on things won't give you the wikipedia entry in the first 5 results...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yes. If you find yourself using Bing, simply type Google.com into your browser's address bar and hit enter.

    3. madbassman39


      bing is terrible for most searches. I only use it for the points and when I do use it for the points I'm usually just searching for photos of stuff that I want to look at like space ships or puppies

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Mr. GOH! apropos of this, a friend of mine worked for MS, they were forced to use Bing as their default search. Their internal analytics revealed the most searched term was "Google".

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