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  • Birthday 05/23/1985

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  1. Weapon durability mechanics suck. Especially true in BoTW with this stupidly brittle weapons. Really annoying. At least allow me to repair them FFS...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      Great post @Atomsk88, I had too many weapons at all times. I had to make a lot of tough calls on good weapons in favour of other weapons. In fact I recommend spending all your Korok seeds on sword inventory space. 

    3. TheMightyEthan


      It bothered me until someone pointed out that basically you're supposed to switch weapons in BotW like you switch guns in Halo.  The durability is like ammo.  Once I saw it from that perspective it stopped bothering me.

    4. Eleven


      We'll see if it ever feels like that. Right now I have 5 hearts, and just finished Kakariko village. Got 2 weapon upgrade slots. Still feeling forced to use my shittiest weapons (12 - 18 rating) to not waste anything. And it still breaks too often. This mechanic is so unnecessary.

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