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  • Birthday 05/23/1985

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  1. When you're reading a case file... what does PEO mean? What does it stand for and why is it so hard to google what it means??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pojodin


      professional employer organization

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      People v. <Defendant> is a common state criminal case name. Never seen it abbreviated PEO. I thought your first reply to me was a joke btw.


      It should be clear from the case details if PEO means "people."

    4. Eleven


      I realized it was completely out of context when I read Ethan's reply. My posts lacked any details, sorry.


      @PojodinProfessional Employer Organization is what comes up, but I don't know if that's what it means. I was just looking up cases and saw those, but there aren't really details on the one I'm looking at (it was like an index of sorts).


      Huh.. I'll google some other cases and read the details. It seems weird to me that's what it would mean, I figured it has to be something lawyers would instantly know so I thought I would ask.

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