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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Tales of Hearts R. On the Vita! Gameplay wise, this is the Tales games I've wanted on a handheld ever since I played tales of the world (i think it was called) on PSP. The combat is close to what the new tales consoles have (Vesperia, Abyss, Xillia, as opposed to Symphonia). It uses Random encounters, but i like Tales combat, so it's not a negative for me. Character wise, I think it'll have standard JRPG stereotypes, or at least Tales stereotypes, and I enjoy those honestly, so no problem there. Also, there are skits, which is probably the next thing I enjoy after combat on Tales games. There has been 1 letdown though. The main character is the usual boy swordsman who believes in good and hardwork and all that. The lead girl, however was different. She's not shy. She's not reserved. And I thought "Well ok this is great! This is kinda refreshing". But then the plot unfolds and she turns into this helpless emotionless girl. What a bummer. I hope she gets her full personality back before half the game but i dunno...
  2. Why is there a creepy child in the intro of Homeland? I don't think I've noticed that before Season 4. Freaks me out every time.
  3. I'm sorry! Hmm... I admit yeah, I stopped watching early, only about 3-4 episodes. Maybe I'll try watching it again. I actually assumed that it only had 1 season and had been cancelled. And I was talking about Schmidt in New Girl. I think effeminate is not the right word, maybe "a bit too sensitive"? That's how he came across to me. But yeah, I liked him the most.
  4. LOL @ TFG. Happy Endings was horrible. Few shows make me actively decide "this is horrible" instead of just stop watching because it's not interesting enough. 2 Broke Girls is fine. I like it. New Girl is stupid though. Started out ok, but the characters quickly devolved into stupid around maybe 4 episodes in. Maybe they improved? I happen to like that effeminate guy who can't get laid but the lead girl is just so annoying I couldn't watch it anymore. That's where I stand on these sitcoms!
  5. They don't get tired anymore! That was a really nice change. That, and directly controlling everyone.
  6. can i get in on that? I was looking for that post in this thread, went back a few pages, but I couldn't find it. I want a tag so people won't think I'm a noob!
  7. @Alex Heat: Is that Batman Arkham Origins the game, or just DLC? Although, I really have too many games right now, and I already have that for PC. Just burnt out on RPGs at the moment, but when I feel better about them I have lots to play. @Ethan: I think that's why my PS+ expires in 2016. I got some codes last year, or maybe 2 years ago, and I remember I got them cheaper. Since your sub isn't up till December, there's really no reason to do the trade. You'll just end up being the one who has an extra code. It's really just for those who really need PS+ soon and are buying. If 2016 comes and I still have this, I'm gonna use it anyway.
  8. I voted for Morrowind. Though it says I voted for FFVII. Which is ok, too, i guess. (still no Amazon US?)
  9. I watched the IGN trailer analysis thing, everything so far is pretty cool. Although there was a part in the trailer, at around 1:14, where the page tears and the guys assumed it was the new way to show dialogue/cutscenes. I don't know about that, but I don't think I'd like that. I think it'll end up being too distracting IF that was the case. Also, page tears should be saved for group attacks in combat or summoning personas, something cool. I don't know... Hopefully they're wrong there.
  10. Is there any advantage in joining a clan? Bonuses or whatever?
  11. So I made a mistake buying a PS+ code (1 year) from Amazon, instead of a PSN card. Thing is my PS+ subscription is still good until June... 2016. So if anyone here is looking to buy a PS+ code, we could trade instead if you want, PSN Code for the PS+ code. It's a US PS+ code.
  12. There's a menu for helix credits I think when you press Option. It should be under that menu.
  13. It's a quiz now. I think you failed!
  14. So... Xbox One and Windows 10 (with DX12) cross platform play... That's kinda huge, no? Not sure how competitive gaming will be affected (are KB/mouse users allowed to mingle with those who use controllers on ranked games? Also, hacking concerns), but it sure would be great for co-op play. The more people you can play with, the better. I really like the recent features Microsoft has announced, both in Windows 10 and Xbox One. They even have an answer to remote play... Sony needs to get their act together and release their promised features. Edit: I was just thinking, in addition the usual multiplayer, publishers/devs could offer a free game linked to your XB1 Id that could interact with your Xbox One game. Like the app for Watch Dogs, or being sort of a DM like I've heard about in some (or just 1?) WiiU games. Doesn't have to be actual cross play. They could also link a map creator, for example. Some things, like world building, are probably easier to create with a keyboard and mouse. It could be great for the Xbox One.
  15. Elder Scrolls Online to drop subscription fee and release on PS4 (Yay!). Later this June (Boo!).

    1. Chewblaha


      It's still Elder Scrolls Online (Boo!).

  16. Maybe because of the change to focus on the other characters? You should try watching it again. Some of them really have interesting stories. I liked Lorna's the most.
  17. Well, you'll see what kind of person they are in Season 2 more. I already forgot about Season 1, if there was backstory on the other felons. I think it was all Piper. But season 2 might address your concern. ... I started watching Friends. It hasn't been a week yet, and I'm at season 5 already. I love this show. Now I remember why I liked it so much as a kid. If you had asked me what my favorite comedy show was a week ago, I'd have said Scrubs or Arrested Development. Right now though I feel like it's Friends. Also, I love 30 minute shows. I could binge on it endlessly. I get tired binge-watching 1 hour shows, as I feel like the time commitment (45 minutes per episode) is too much. With 30 minutes shows (22 mins really), the episode is over before you get bored. And then you'll feel like watching another one.
  18. Eleven


    Apparently this is Common Core math. I didn't go through it (it's new, and an American thing anyway), but from what I've read, it's what I do in my head. It's interesting, the debate/backlash happening with it. I'm not sure myself where I stand.
  19. ^Isn't that usually just standard fare wRPG stuff? I think western rpgs were never really good with bosses. Even the Witcher 2, I think only had 1 unique boss, that huge octopus thing which is also the first boss. I think that's why the end of ME2 felt really out of place. Suddenly you had this final boss. It was really weird.
  20. We have another one who likes DA2 more than the first? There are dozens of us, you know! I think I may just have found the 3rd one.
  21. So I wanna ask someone here, because I don't want to get spoiled by any detail, but there's one thing I'd like to know. Can be answered by a simple yes or no. So we all know how the main protagonist in DA 1 was mentioned in DA 2. Will I see what happened to Hawke after DA2 in Inquisition? I've come to like my Hawke when I played it.
  22. Do you earn helix credits? Isn't it just your PS balance converted to Helix?
  23. If you have eagle vision on and a red chest is in the radius, it will be marked on the map. White chests are shown by the sync towers. So you really just run around the city turning it on as soon as you can, and there are all your collectibles.
  24. This is a narrative you just made up as you play right? My brother loves Mount and Blade and keeps telling me stuff that makes me want to play it, but I find I don't enjoy creating my own story. It's the same way with Crusader Kings (I think?), where you can do all sorts of political stuff, and of course, EVE Online. Those games create stories that are great to retell, but the game doesn't really tell it to you, not directly anyway. Those names sound like default names in D&D fantasy worlds. It wouldn't be unusual to see a Falwin Derm in Baldur's Gate, or Dragon Age.
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