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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. With the complexity of games today, i don't think it's reasonable to not expect patches. Day one DLC, sure... but even that isn't really that bad. If you have a few people free doing nothing, why not make some DLC content that may or may not ship with the final product? Anyhoo, @Deanb I don't think AC IV is any different regarding the collectibles. In fact, I think each AC game made it easier and easier to track down collectibles. I did buy a time saver pack, to unlock the last tier of ship upgrades. You could unlock them in-game without paying, but fuck obligatory underwater levels. Those are just so damn slow and stupid I'd rather pay to get it over with. EDIT: I also buy DLC costumes, if they're not too expensive. EDIT2: Oh and to add to Ethan's post. Freedom Cry is available stand-alone. They should do more of those. I wonder if AC IV multiplayer is available with the Freedom Cry stand-alone?
  2. Resogun? You need a PS4 though...
  3. That's what I did! Backlog+1. I've even forgotten about it. I just came to this page to see if there were new deals.
  4. There were games I bought specifically for the purpose of "I'll play this game when I just want to have fun". They were Burnout Paradise, Super Star Dust, Resogun, Divekick. What happened was, I played them like how I would play games normally, and got tired of them. I just don't feel like I'm spending my time wisely playing games I've already beaten "just for the fun of it" if I could have fun playing other new games. Divekick is still working, maybe because it loads fast and is super simple. I don't know when I'll get tired of it. But really, when I want to just zone out, I watch TV. Lots of good TV to watch these days.
  5. Oooh... Let's see... We started out playing River Raid on the Atari. This and missile command was the only game I remember, but I'm sure there were more, as we were swapping cartridges with our neighbor. My dad came back from Japan and got us a Family Computer. After a while, it was replaced with a NES. Or whatever the hell it is, because when I search for NES, it doesn't look like our NES. But whatever. It plays the bootleg cartridges we bought. Tons of them. This included, of course, Mario 3, one of the best games ever. I was sick one day, and I wanted to play GI Joe on the NES, so I asked my mom for permission. She said no, but said go play on the computer (PC). I didn't realize there could be other games on the PC (I thought the PC was for work and the only game on it was some sort of typing tutor). We played Steel Thunder (the most awesome tank sim ever!), Dune 2, and the 2 Prince of Persia games. My dad got us a SEGA Megadrive (16 bit!), and there was Sonic, and Royal Rumble (we were crazy about the WWE back then). I got my mind blown by the X-Men game. At the end of one level, Professor X asked us to "reset the computer now!". There were no switches anywhere. Could he talking about the reset button on the system? We pressed it and woah... mind blown. Then my dad came home 1 day and got us Eye of the Beholder 3, for the PC. This was awesome. It was our first RPG, and it got us into RPGs, and I only stopped playing RPGs when I bought my first ever console, which would come later. In any case, we played all the D&D games. EoB 3 (we never had 1 and 2), we then got Ravenloft, and Menzoberranzan (Drizzt is awesome). Dad bought TES: Arena, but during the intro there was this error: "Memory list blown.". So we never got to play it. Not sure what the hell that was, I guess we didn't meet the system requirements. We went back to our D&D RPGs. Then he bought TES: Daggerfall (seriously, I don't know where he gets these games), that game made us upgrade our hardware due to its whopping 200 MB of required disk space. I love this game. We played this for about 2 years non-stop, almost never playing anything else. Just the sheer size of that world and all the things you could do in it. This is probably my all time favorite game. This led to Fallout, then Fallout 2, the Might and Magic RPGs, then TES: Morrowind, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights, and other RPGs in between like Arcanum and Lionheart. I loved western RPGs. I was a PC gamer race all the way up to college. Then I got a job. All this time though I had really wanted a PlayStation. I never had a PS1 but I've played some on my friend's house. So anyway, around this time, FFXII was released, and I bought a PS2 as recommended by a friend. This was my first jRPG ever, and I loved it. I had thought the genre was silly, due to it's little boy protagonists compared to the grown men adventurers used in Western RPGs. Anyhoo, This got me into other jrpgs like Chrono Cross (which I played on a hacked PSP), and FFX. I thought both these games had an amazing story, I loved the twist in Chrono Cross, and I loved the drama in FFX. Later on, I got a PS3 because I wanted to play TES: Oblivion. Crazy reason, but that's what it was. Then I got an XBox 360, mainly because of Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey. And recently, I got a PS4. Still have to find a defining game for the system.
  6. Man, I love lostprophets. Too bad Ian is a sick bastard. I don't know Geoff Rickley except from Thursday, and while I did listen to them at some point in the past, I've moved on from that sound. I'm glad "Stay" (thanks for the link!) has their recognizable sound. I'm probably gonna miss the anthems though. I've always loved those (no matter what other people say!).
  7. 2k Bundle, if you don't have the games yet. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  8. Mine was a Nokia 3210, with the chorus of Eminem's "Stan" as ringtone! (it's not the linked vid, but it was close)
  9. But the articles were about how the 90s were better because nostalgia. That's what's annoying. And the bulk of those articles are that. I added in the objective parts because take away nostalgia, there really was nothing in those lists that was really better.
  10. @Dean With the kids, yes, they won't appreciate how good they have it, until they come to an age where they start doing things for themselves and learn how it was done before their time. It's fine for kids to not realize how good they have it. But I think it's weird how adults (90s kids in this example) claim how good they had it with old tech and pop culture. How is having all the things earlier generations had plus the new things your generation have be such a bad thing? Those things 90s kids reminisce about aren't gone, be it music, film, or some cool tech. Almost all of it is even more accessible now, with new tech that couldn't even be possible in those times. Now if children in 2025 live in a world where internet is locked down by country due to copyright and privacy issues, THAT would be something the 00s kids have that is worth being envious about.
  11. We're hipster like that. If this is just another of those regular gaming forums, then it's just not the one for me.
  12. And people say shit like that, on Twitter or Facebook, using their iPhones, getting hundreds of retweets and likes. I'm nostalgic for the time when everything was fun, because I was a kid back then. If I could have picked the time I was born, I'd say year 2000. That way, I'd be 14 years old with easy and fast access to EVERYTHING on the internet, where I can have a phone that could do what a computer can. And I won't have to be one of those 90s kids reminiscing about the good old days, because they know deep in their sad little heart that kids these days have it exponentially better. Ugh. There was one article being shared on my facebook circle probably a year ago and it just made me so mad.
  13. I guess you haven't been here long enough! We like our general threads! And important new discussions should go into Status Updates!
  14. The Blacklist. I like it. James Spader is smug as shit. It's pretty good, it's definitely worth watching between seasons of <insert what you think is the most exciting TV in the past few years is> and <insert what you think is the best written show you've ever seen>. Concept is interesting, it's executed fairly well, but the cast though, I'm not sure. I like Reddington (Spader), and the other lead, Lizzy. But the rest of them are pretty much filler. Catch up to it before fall comes and the series you're watching comes back. I could see another season of this show being good. I just hope they don't stretch out the underlying plot they have now into a third season (and a season is 22 episodes long!).
  15. Is anyone here an HKKTharry?
  16. My friends, they don't have Watch Dogs, they don't understand. So I'll just be putting this here...
  17. FDS, FLD, TCP, TME, P4, WaS, TFG, even the new guy Z3 (or rather Z3_). Shit I want an abbreviated name.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Bacon is good enough and I can smell it right now. Because it is being cooked as I type this. Hmmmm...

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens
    4. TCP


      Like the Gamecube with more Bame.

  18. I just spent the past 2 hours saying "Just 1 more hack". Are you guys seriously not into online hacking as I am?

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I turned it off altogether. Maybe after I finish Pikmin I'll throw Watch Dogs back in and do some hacking.

    2. staySICK


      It's alright, the annoying part is when you are invaded at the worst possible time (trying to start a mission, quit the game, etc)

  19. Isn't the Fox Aiden's logo? It's sewed on his coat (his ugly coat!).
  20. Where can I complain about the Car on Demand service in Watch Dogs? The car they dropped was DIRTY! And Bronze. Who wants a bronze car?

  21. What's the advantage of being a civilian killing vigilante? I'm on full red bar after going on a rampage and evading the cops, but now people call the cops a lot when I'm walking about. Trying to get it back to blue but it's hard. Not too many crime in progress and I get invasions in between.
  22. ^ Usually it's the accompanying picture that gets my attention. I've learned not to trust the headlines, but the picture I want to see! And then it's not even in the article.
  23. Probably mild spoilers, nothing vital. Just don't think about it too much (oh but since I said it, now you're going to. You can't help it. I'm not sorry). Finally watched Season 2 of Orphan Black. Though I don't like really like the lead (Sarah, and she is so boring this entire season, with only one thing on her mind), one thing I can say is she is great at performing all those different parts. They all had different mannerisms and attitudes and she pulls them off perfectly. However, that dance party was idiotic. It feels really... off.. detached from the rest of the episode. It felt forced. It's like they're saying "Hey we can put this all in one scene! Amazing eh?". I did not like that one bit. Some people apparently like it. Fuck em. Now this part is really spoilers, no joke. You really don't want to read this I'm serious. It's a real plot twist you definitely don't want to know if you haven't watched the show (even if you think there's only a slight chance you may want to watch it so you think it may be ok to peek, don't). Please don't read it. Seriously. Spoilers from the first word.
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