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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Finished the game last night!
  2. While I agree mostly with your point, I still feel like they did a terrible job somehow for a "first effort", given how it kept annoying me whenever I call for it. It stops WAAAAAY farther than it should have, and gets stuck a lot. They (Witcher) did a good job with making NPCs "know" where you're going or at least letting them keep up with you when you run around following them or following you. At least they could have done a similar job with the horse. Mounts in Horizon know where you're going. If I had actually turned around and went the other way after running for 3 seconds, my mount would have turned around as well, face whatever direction I was running towards and wait for me.
  3. This is how mounts should have been implemented in Witcher 3.
  4. Is everyone really buying that many Fire TVs? Every other day I check and the availability date just keeps getting later and later!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      I'd say a UK v US thing here given our modems are free as standard. Some do deals for including TV packages (which I'd say this is comparable to I guess) as well as games consoles n such.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      last time i changed suppliers I got £200 gift card and £185 cashback. I think UK broadband is just more competitive so they give good offers to switch.

    4. deanb


      Yeah my understanding with US broadband is in many areas you might have only the one ISP supplying you so they not only don't need to give gifts to entice you but can fuck you over and you take it cos you want 'net.

  5. Anyone here using a Fire TV? Can you quickly rewind/fast forward for a set # of seconds by pressing a button? On the Apple TV if you press the touchpad's left or right edge, it rewinds for 5 (or10?) seconds. Something like that.

  6. Is the new forum software slower? I find myself waiting a lot. Not a complaint, just an observation. I'm wondering if it's just me.
  7. I want a Razer Blade 14! I've been looking at the product page and YouTube videos of it for the past 2 hours! That's enough to make it not an impulse buy right??

  8. Eleven


    DS4 + the Sony dongle. Works great and you can even use the headphone jack. Works on steam link as well (including the headphone jack!)
  9. Lol. Those are the things I want to change. Destiny 2 would have solved that problem by offering to recreate your character's face.
  10. This is pretty cool, but I seems like you gotta wait for some games since they don't release them all. But I hope once you download one (and they remove it from the store next month) you'll have it until you delete it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Poll: Do you like turning on delete confirmation in windows? Me, I do because I feel like i'm going to do something disastrous without it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I reflexively empty my recycle bin whenever I see there's something in it, so that's not really much protection for me.

    3. Eleven


      ^ Yeah. I do this too.


      It feels good to empty that bin. I don't know why.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      I don't have the bin on my desktop so it's not something I see often.

  12. So I have a question. I partitioned a drive, and turned on bitlocker for the main partition, drive c. Now I want to combine both, and have bitlocker on the whole drive. How do I go about doing that? I'd rather not reinstall everything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Who has a PSVR? I've been watching a few youtube videos of people trying out VR and now I want one.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eleven


      That bomb defusal game looks really fun!

    3. danielpholt


      @Thursday: I hear it goes 'places' too. Certainly not the game I thought it would be when Giantbomb started talking about it.

    4. Chewblaha


      One of my students told me last week "Sir...Dead Or Alive Xtreme has PSVR support now..."


      SO you're not alone.

  14. It was $20 during the sale, so I got one because why not. It's great though. On the beta client (and beta firmware on the link), the DS4's headphone jack is supported (I have the Sony dongle though, probably required). It outputs sound to the controller. Pretty cool. Steam supports DS4 controller configurations (including the touchpad), however, it seems if you use DS4 controller support, somehow the audio cannot pass through the controller (it's muted/no sound). So for now I have to use the DS4 as a generic controller. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Also, no noticeable lag (wired connection). I know everyone says that but I was skeptical. But it seems to be true.
  15. Whenever I see Valkyria Chronicles I want to buy it because of the art style. But I know I'll probably never play it as I'm not a fan of the genre. But maybe someday I will cave in. Or rent it.
  16. How do you keep your old or unused devices' battery in good condition? I haven't used my 3DS in months, and Vita probably in more than a year. But I don't want them to die either. Just plug them in and forget about them?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I usually charge them up and then don't worry about them. That hasn't been a problem for me for any device manufactured in the last 5 years or so.


      I read that the "best" way to do it is to charge the battery up to about 75% and then stick it in the freezer. That's probably only good advice for things with removable batteries though.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      If you're worried about the batteries committing seppuku when they get to low then just put something in your phone's calendar to remind yourself to check them once every 6 months or year and charge them up if they need it.

    4. Eleven


      I charged both of them up and they seem fine. I'm amazed my Vita can take that abuse.


      I've never worried about it, but my old iPhone 5s died within like 3 months of being stored. But now that I think about it, My iPhone 4 still holds a charge after basically being stored like that for a long time now (I dig it up like every other 6 months). Must have been a fluke.

  17. Haha. This was bothering me too. Why would you do that!? Up until that point he had other choices. That's why I kind of hate her storyline. It all hinged on him doing stupid things.
  18. I can see your point, and especially about grimdark Superman, but I always thought of Superman as an imposing figure when you see him, and this dude doesn't do it. Kind of like how Superman is in the Justice League cartoon. But we'll see once I watch the episode. I finished Westworld and
  19. I know you guys probably don't watch too many CW shows, but I can't get over how geeky Supergirl's Superman is. He looks so nerdy to me. Like it's not Superman, but just some dude dressing up. Granted I haven't watched the episode yet, probably gonna wait till half the season's over or something.
  20. How often do those Windows Store games go on sale? I'm debating if I should get ReCore or not...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eleven


      I decided to just wait on it and get it next time. And the sale ended yesterday.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Again, I hear that ReCore is garbage after the first quarter of the game.

    4. Eleven


      What makes it bad though? From what I've read, you kind of just get forced to backtrack and run through areas multiple times to collect required stuff. But the platforming is great and the combat is probably something you'd either like or hate (I kind of like it in the demo).

  21. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hey so I'm watching Westworld and there's something I don't understand (or I think I don't understand). I'm just 3 episodes in Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Thanks Thursday! You're the best! Merry Christmas!
  24. There should be a "PC if there is controller support" choice.
  25. I'm laughing but I wonder if I'll do that when I'm wearing the thing...
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