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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. So is Microsoft's plan for their consoles to release incremental hardware updates like the Scorpio? Does that mean we'll have backwards compatibility for all games this generation and all games in the future? I wonder how long they will require games to support older hardware?
  2. I just played again after a loooong time, way back before the first patch came out. D.Va is once again my favorite character. I don't know I think the defense matrix update was a really good fix. I also tried playing with friends, who are all higher level than me, and it was miserable. I think we got matched with higher level players and it just didn't work out. I'd love to play with friends but it's more fun for me playing solo. Oh well... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I didn't check the comments but I'm sure many people are butthurt over DA2 being higher than Hotline Miami. Also, DA2 > DA1.
  4. Damn T-Mobile. I'd rather have data tiers than a not-truly-unlimited plan plus a tethering fee... i wonder what their subscriber data usage looks like for them to make this change.

  5. I don't know about the game, but that soundtrack is pretty cool!
  6. Because when I watched the series I got to the end of season 3 and didn't care what happened next. You even say later in your post that season 3 is boring. I was just expressing disbelief because the Season 3 cliffhanger, I believe, is reason enough to watch Season 4. You have Jack as a mess in a flashback, mourning the loss of someone presumably his father (who in later episodes turn out to be John Locke IIRC). In the end he calls someone, and it turns out to be Kate, so apparently, it's not a flashback, it was the future. And he wants to go back. What the hell was that about? That was completely unexpected and I really think if Season 3 has a redeeming quality, it's that (and the episode in general). At the very least I think the lasting impression it gives most fans after that season is curiosity instead of indifference. It's what makes Lost great IMO because it keeps you hooked. It's also Lost's weakness because they never really follow up on all the things they showed you to keep you hooked.
  7. Lost's Season 4 was great, I don't know where you get the idea that you wouldn't care about what would happen next after Season 3's cliffhanger. It had new renewed excitement around it due to them wanting to come back to the island, after Jack's "We need to go back!" season 3 ending, and flashforwards. It also has the best lost episode ever in The Constant. It's so hard to recommend people to watch that episode even though I know they're going to love it because it's in Season 4, and they have to sit through a boring ass Season 3. But you have to know Desmond and his story, and the not penny's boat thing to get the full effect.
  8. Do any of you guys use Outlook/exchange (at work or not)? How do you organize emails? Folders? Categories? Or just leave them on inbox and archive it?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. deanb


      unfortunately not.

    3. Pojodin


      I use tags and folders. The folders are usually for specific thing that are automatically generated or for information that needs to be saved for something specific. The rest is flags, tags, unreads, or deleted.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Office 365, arrange by conversation. File anything that is done with in a folder.

  9. Is anyone here interested in sharing an office 365 account? 5 installs is too much for me (I only need 2, and 1 more when work gets me a surface which is probably not till next year). MS seems to have laid out the sharing aspect on their website and it's pretty cool and generous.

  10. Isn't that what was supposed to be the function of artifacts in the rumors leading up to The Taken King? And then it just ended up being a stat boost.
  11. LOL. I thought you said TCP. I was wondering what he said. (cause he says some crazy things too!).
  12. Dropped my phone and it has a hairline crack on the upper right corner, a scratch at the right side bezel, nicks at the bottom left corner, and another scratch at the upper left corner (how does that even happen?). It hasn't even been a month since I got it. Super annoying...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      I managed to do similar with my last phone the last week of having it before passing it on to step-mum. Only notice the crack at oblique angles though.

    3. deanb


      Current phone I'm regretting not having a grippy back cos it's a few dings around the edges (though it won out against one of my mums glasses :/)

    4. Eleven


      I could get the screen replaced (for $129 at the apple store) but the damages really are just small. The crack is at the very edge of the glass and barely noticeable even against the light. The scratch at the bezel is the one that really annoys me because i can see it like a permanent dirt. Thank god no damage where the actual display is. The biggest damage are the nicks at the bottom but that doesn't bother me as much as the ding at the bezel.


      Slowly getting over it though.

  13. Is there a fundamental difference in how to use Google vs Bing? I've been using Bing for the past week just to try out the rewards thing, but it is constantly not giving me stuff I want. It doesn't do keywords well. I mean even adding "wiki" on things won't give you the wikipedia entry in the first 5 results...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yes. If you find yourself using Bing, simply type Google.com into your browser's address bar and hit enter.

    3. madbassman39


      bing is terrible for most searches. I only use it for the points and when I do use it for the points I'm usually just searching for photos of stuff that I want to look at like space ships or puppies

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Mr. GOH! apropos of this, a friend of mine worked for MS, they were forced to use Bing as their default search. Their internal analytics revealed the most searched term was "Google".

  14. Eleven

    Pokemon Go

    Yeah, I see that too. It's crazy. Last night while we were walking home after dinner you could see all kinds of people playing. Teenagers, kids, kids with their parents, parents without kids (or adults in the late 20s/early 30s stage). I didn't really get into any of the Pokemon games, so the game is kind of just meh for me, but even if I wasn't into it if I had friends who go out daily I would probably end up joining them as well.
  15. Hulu just credited me 1 month. I just wanted to change my payment method, but there was no option so I thought I'd just cancel and resubscribe. Cool.

    1. madbassman39


      I have to change my payment method soon, I wonder if this will work for me :D

    2. Eleven


      Some people got two months apparently. Could have been tied to how old your account was.

  16. I wanna play something grindy. Like Destiny grindy, MMO grindy. Is ESO a good choice? I do like TES.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Eleven


      It's actually 20.99 on Amazon new. Huh.

    3. madbassman39


      I bought mine on amazon new for 20.99. I would say its at least worth that price, plus it comes with some game benefits like play any race in any faction

    4. Eleven


      Is that only on New? There's a used version 18.99, but it's only a few bucks might as well grab a new copy.

  17. Finally watching GoT. That drawbridge is getting some serious screen time. Also, does anyone else think drawbridges are the coolest thing ever??

    1. deanb


      I've a feeling they probably did a lot of shots at once with that. I suspect that was a real bridge and likely some kind of "yeah we can only do this ten times a year, so make it count".

  18. Yeah Junkrat's denial is annoying, but I find it fun when I use it myself on certain maps so I have no complaints!
  19. From the PSN flash sale. $11.99 is a good price for any game. Got it and will be playing it next month.
  20. It is, a bit. When I do it I use my forearm for support, instead of putting weight on the wrist. Does that make sense?
  21. This! I'm trying it out at work. I don't know yet what to feel about it. Yesterday I felt like I'm trading pain under my wrist for pain on my arm/shoulder, or that bone around your wrist. But figured you also should have proper table, seat and armrest height to use it effectively. I think I'm getting used to it on my desk at work. Just trying not to put the weight on the bone. I think that's how you're supposed to hold it anyway, with your wrist floating on the table.
  22. Yeah Dropbox can capture your printscreens. If it's in game screenshots which create jpg files automatically, I would just choose a dropbox folder as the location. If you can't pick a folder, I'd use Belvedere (search Belvedere Lifehacker) to automatically move images from a folder to another folder. You can then probably use IFTTT from dropbox to move it to imgur or another image host.
  23. Can you get a refund for a UPS delivery if they deliver it early when you already paid for an adjusted date and time window?

  24. It's the latter and Pushbullet does the job well! I just need access to my other phone's texts (SMS), because it receives security codes (2FA) that I can't move to my main number. Pushbullet works extremely well in this case. I can see my texts from the web interface or the extension. Pushbullet iOS app doesn't show me the texts, but I can login to the web app from Safari and see it from there, so I can still view it.
  25. Hey anyone know how to forward text messages on android to somewhere accessible on the web? End result is I wanna get the texts from my android phone to the Internet, so I can look it up on a desktop or from my iPhone. Does hangouts save text messages to the cloud in a way accessible on a PC? Something like that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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