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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. And it's partly because of the iPhone...
  2. A PSN/Xbox Live compilation? They have a PS2 compilation according to Amazon...
  3. Thanks for the real-estate tips! I'm going to check out Markarth and Solitude... @Atomsk88: you can cast firebolt on dragon remains, and they fly like paper. @Enervation / @Dean - Dragonskin works great too against mages. Wards cost a lot.... EDIT: Once a day! And for Bretons only!
  4. It's just that I played tag with that girl on your picture (yeah I realized it probably wasn't your screencap anyway)... It was fun! By the way, I've only been to Whiterun and Winterhold, but where is the best place to buy a house? A nice house. In Oblivion, I preferred the one in Skingrad, it's huge, and it's in a nice city (huge city, with city walls). Is there something like it in Skyrim? Hopefully, it also has multiple chests, or at least I can buy more, so I can group them by category...
  5. You should have killed Braith instead... annoying little kid... Although after doing her miniquest with the boy she suddenly turned nice... for a short while...
  6. Megaman 5 intro music was the best!
  7. The interface suits playing with a controller. The only real problem is the lack of precision when targeting. My firebolts are all over the place, and I keep hitting my companion too... But I still prefer it. Oh and New Vegas had the wheel probably because it was one of Obsidian's improvements and not really Bethesda's... Still, they could have added it in...
  8. Steam or GoG? Lot's of stuff in GoG too. Maybe post your game library (raptr works fine i think)? So people could tell if you already have the game, or get a clue on what to get based on what you have?
  9. I tested it. I changed the FOV using the console and still got the achievement for completing Bleak Falls Barrow.
  10. Easier on a controller... I played it on the PS3.
  11. It doesn't. At least setting the FOV doesn't. I've been doing that and I get achievements still. Edit: I am 95% sure. Will try to test it out later.
  12. I think the lockpicking is the same as fallout 3. I actually prefer Oblivion's lockpick system...
  13. $29.90 on intkeys. depends if you want to try those russian cd key sites... Regarding the spells, I saw an argonian cast fireball, the normal fireball, not flame like FLD mentioned above (where you hold down the attack key). I was dodging his fireballs, while casting trying to burn him with my flame. Then he hid behind a tree, and I killed him with my sword.
  14. Does setting the fDefaultFOV setting in the ini file prevent the game from losing the FOV setting? I'm thinking it might revert it to the default, which is what is in the ini file. I use the console too change it too and it reverts. I might try it and see if it changes in game. Also, anyone know a patch that would make the fonts (subtitle fonts at least) bigger? Or, even better, change the damn font as the letters are too close together and doesn't work really well at all! I hate that damn font.
  15. Don't forget Yakuza 3 and 4. It has the complete summary of all the games before it. I watched 1 and 2 (from an in game menu, not YouTube to be clear!) and got up to speed pretty good when I started with 3 (I didn't play 1 and 2).
  16. So I decided to buy Deus Ex Human Revolution from Intkeys. Got the code in about 2 hours. It was for Steam activation. They ask you if you want them to activate it for you, and asks you for your Steam user ID and password, and disabling steam guard (is that what it's called? I forgot. its the 5 digit codes Steam sends you when you login from a different computer). Anyway, that is not required, and you can activate the game yourself, provided you have a VPN. Even if you don't they send you a video on how to get one. But since I have a vpn to Moscow anyway I didn't have to do that, just logged in to my vpn and activated it in Steam. Now I'm downloading the game. Cool! Might try it for some other games in the future. It's pretty painless if you have a VPN or know someone you trust in Russia that could activate the game for you. They accept Paypal too and that's what I used. So, for me, +1 for the site.
  17. Since I couldn't think of a screen name right now, I decided to go with this as a reference to my favorite TV show, Lost! The picture is Desmond on a helicopter I got from the web. (Not) Penny's boat is also in that image... But this nick will probably change when I do get to pick a real screen name... or maybe it'll stick, who knows...
  18. Clue: It blew up! Not my fault though... That's some pretty diverse game preferences there...
  19. Hmm.. well... let's see Gaming related? My parents used video games (well, withholding video games) as a way to keep my grades up, which fortunately worked! Not gaming related? In 5th grade I joined a basketball club, without knowing anything about basketball. What a stupid and embarrassing experience that was!
  20. oh sorry... I read Visa but I missed the "temporary" "for my birthday" part. I was thinking of Entropay, since I already use one for some other stuff. But if they accept a prepaid visa gift card then I guess they would accept Entropay too.
  21. Thanks for sharing! Do you happen to know if these sites would accept a virtual Visa card?
  22. This thread got me thinking, looks like I didn't have enough time for video games this year. I finished Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Also finally gotten around to finishing Persona 4. I almost beat Dragon Age, but ultimately got bored and switched to another game. Will be finishing Uncharted 3 next. And Skyrim. ... Well, not Skyrim, who am I kidding? That's gonna take me forever to complete with all the restarts I'll be doing as is the usual with TES games.
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