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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thank you!

    Oh hey, happy belated birthday!

  2. "That match was bull shit. pure bullshit" Slow clan is sloooooooooooow
  3. Needs some bacon bits. Sacrilege!
  4. Vegetable Stirfry with Firecracker sauce and Buckwheat noodles.
  5. Go back t vegetarianism and do it correctly this time. Work out to trim body fat and put on muscle. I'm not really looking to lose weight, but rather be more fit.
  6. Well at least Uncharted 2 is still on there
  7. Jack when you die it tells you at the bottom of teh screen how to change classes. And Also at the beginning of the game you can reselect quickly. I do not remember the exact buttons to do so.
  8. You will have to ask an assassin player. I am a bad assassin
  9. I didn't do co-op. I played Halo 1 and 2 on legendary solo. Never had an issue with it. Halo 3 I did Co-op on legendary but that felt like a joke. (sorry having a debate with someone else who is woefully ignorant and opinionated. Kinda filled me with piss and vinegar)
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