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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Top-tier Q. I need some people to play SFxTK with. Xbox.
  2. I'm with you. They fucking removed the Watch With Party option, which was a good 40% of the time I was using my 360. I loved watching things with my girlfriend, and now we have to do a fucking countdown even for Netflix.
  3. For most hardcore players MK doesn't even exist. I sometimes even deny it.
  4. Is the chat room borked? It doesn't look like people can connect to it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Seems borked. Wanna know the awesome thing, American company, it won't get sorted til tomorrow unless it's a temporary thing.

    3. Vile


      On my phone atm, steam is a lost cause in my case.

    4. VicariousShaner


      Its back up for me now, at any rate.

  5. Someone should totally play CoD4 with me
  6. Can race Shadow on Radical Highway on 3DS version. Let's do this.
  7. Vile


    Classic would be too hard with crouching/ducking. Another dimension to consider when dodging boss attacks
  8. Don't believe the above poster, she is a liar and a cheat.
  9. Call of Duty 4. Playing alone. So sad ;_;
  10. Vile


    3 has the best bosses. Hands down.
  11. Vile


    My order would be X and 3 flipped on the list but they're pretty close.
  12. Too bad you don't have 3rd Strike on 360, we could have some Yang mirrors. Been maining him for like 3 years now and I like that all of his Super Arts have their own useful applications. Makes even mirrors interesting.
  13. Vile


    The Zero series wasn't nearly as hard as classic or X, but they were some really fun games with a very cool story. A lot of collectables, too. They should've had Vile there somewhere.
  14. Classic and early X. My favorite game overall was the first Megaman X. You can probably guess why. I don't think that Megaman 2 is the best classic game at all, reason being it has a bunch of near useless weapons and easy Master patterns. The music is nostalgic sure, but that is also bested by games such as Megaman 3 and other later games. This, of course, is just strong opinion. Voice your own!
  15. Thanks, bro. Garou has a pretty small cast of about 13 characters, including the 2 bosses(balanced boss characters?!?!), but the wealth is spread pretty evenly around the board balance wise. I'm sure you could find some people playing on 2DF or GGPO(I forget if they have it), it's a one of the best.
  16. Knowing the ins and outs of a fighter is a good idea, but the advantage it gives in games like BB and GG(as well as, I'm afraid, Melty Blood) is just to large over a player who values tactics over long aircombos and what hitconfirm to mash so you can start the combos. On the flipside, knowing framedata and having good situational info about your character's attacks helps out a fighting tactician just as well in a lot of games. Knowing your best pokes and when you should use them, as well as knowing what attacks to use for hard to predict mixup mindgames should give you a better advantage over someone who simply memorized the best character's bread and butter and what move to spam for a hitconfirm. Also if you like SNK and you haven't already, you should check out Garou: Mark of the Wolves. The last and best Fatal Fury game, and IMO SNK's best game.
  17. Used to be MoistKiwi, now it's King of Weenies. Joke from King of Fighters '95.
  18. I used to play Melty Blood for years, just stopped maybe a year and a half ago near when Actress Again was released. I also played IaMP and its sequel(the name escapes me). My mains in MB were Nanaya and Kouma(in AC). In IaMP and the sequel I think I played the ghost girl? Sorry, I never really played Touhou.
  19. Alpha 3 was the only one in the series I took seriously, but I don't think I could compare it to Third Strike. I think that both games left their own distinct footprint on fighting games. Alpha with the fighting style system(grooves) and Third Strike with the high risk high reward block alternative(parrying). Though other games like Garou did the same as Third Strike parrying, it wasn't as risky or as rewarding.
  20. Couldn't really decide on any individual fighting game to make a thread about, so I decided on just a general thread. Think it works out better this way. I don't personally play the 3D fighters, such as Soulcaliber, Tekken, and DoA, but I do respect Tekken and DoA to some extent(can't say the same for Soulcaliber). UMvC3 is out, and seeing as I never actually bought the original game I think this is a good opportunity to play it a little more than I have. Regardless of new releases, I will always stand by three older fighting games all released around the same time to show me the greatness of the genre. In no particular order, they would be: King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, and Garou: Mark of the Wolves. What are your all-time favorites? What games are you looking forward to? What games do you think just plain stink?
  21. My name is Vile. I am a Maverick. I hate X. I am purple, blue, and then green. I mainly play on the 360 because my laptop finally shit the bed on me. My gaming genres of choice are, in order: fighting, 2D platformers, both W and JRPGs, and shooters.
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