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Everything posted by Mekkakat

  1. Who here likes food? Man I love to cook. I've been making a lot of silly things lately, trying to make a small book (if you will) of "foods for the mentally obese". Basically, stuff you REALLY shouldn't be eating, but is really tasty lol. Things like (and everything is from scratch): A three-cheese pizza with onions, mush, grn. pep, and red peppers, with a (first separately cooked) pizza-sized meat patty placed on it, with a duplicate pizza - flipped over and placed on top. This is sliced like regular pizza too. - The Wicked Wich Grilled chicken, marinaded in a chipotle-lime mix, shredded very fine, and placed on panini-pressed mini tacos, all covered in a havarti-buffalo cheese sauce, a black bean corn salsa (spicy), and a tangy home made sour cream. - Buff Chix' Nachos Red potatoes, skin on and barely mashed (crushed?), tossed with - shallot, red onion, celery salt, dijon mustard, blueberry balsamic vinegar, Frank's Red Hot, a little wild curry, cumin, paprika, salt/pep, and a little sugar. This is a hot one... - Ambush Potato Salad For dessert, homemade French-vanilla bean ice cream(real deal stuff too, no extract) with just a HINT of cayenne pepper. Top thick sliced bacon with brown sugar and broil it for just a bit, making it into basically candy. Smash it with a hammer in to tiny bits, and mix with the ice cream. Dust with cinnamon. Finish with a stick of cinnamon and candy bacon sticking out. - Frenchman's Nightmare Post me your thoughts/ideas!
  2. Hello all! New here! Here's my ugly mug!
  3. First off, hello to everyone (new here). "Mekkakat" has been my SN since I was in middle school, and is based off of my at-the-time favorite pair of shoes, the Puma Mecha Cats (which is how it's pronounced.) It's just stuck ever since
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