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Everything posted by Ozymandias

  1. Not to the extent that Google or Facebook can. In fact Gawker does not have access to your internet search history nor to pictures of your family, or all the comments that you've ever made with loved ones, etc. The magnitude is huge. To admit otherwise is silly.
  2. Well snarky person, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE. All companies with less-than-perfect data mining histories. Same side of the shit coin. Not any better.
  3. This facebook-forced-log-in fiasco really has a lot of the community up in flames. I expect this to finally bankrupt Gawker. I remember going to Kotaku regularly before the redesign and seeing, regularly too, pages with hundred of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. After the redesign shit hit the fan, literally. And a lot of good people left. A lot of worthwhile people you'd want to have coffee and cigarettes with. >_> Now Kotaku is just shlock. Total shlock.
  4. Ozymandias

    DOTA 2

    Anyone here play Dota 2? If so want to squad-up? I feel that a lot of my frustrations from playing DOTA comes from the outright hostility of teammates. >.< PM ME your STEAM NAMES so we can play.
  5. Perhaps this might be a tad late but I've been lurking Kotaku for about four years. I never registered because I found (and still do) the star commenting system to be asinine and counterproductive...especially when star commenters would bully nonstarred commenters, or my favorite when they would promote trolls only to strike them down, dismissing them with a token comment: "Ignorant troll. Don't feed the troll," etc. But my least favorite person was Joel. He sucked. Lately Owen has replaced him. I'm in the minority that likes Bashcraft--his randomness spices up Kotaku. Anyhow I miss old commenters who had insightful things to say like MasterDex, or deanb (yes the admin), Komrade Kayce, DukeofPwn, etc. A lot of them have left. But they were the people that made Kotaku the site I had to frantically check 6-8 times a day. Now it's not the same. But I have found this site with promises of greatness.
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