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  1. I recommend the shoe phone for that retro look.
  2. Put anyone next to me and they can say that. Nah, I bet I'm uglier.
  3. Get to know more interesting people. That was back in college, in my extremely antisocial days. I've gotten a little better since then but not too much.
  4. I used facebook about six years ago when it was in its infancy. Eventually I grew bored with reading such trivial details about peoples' lives and deleted my account.
  5. They both get stuck in my teeth in a different way.
  6. Popcorn. As much as I love it I hate when it gets stuck in my teeth.
  7. Vagrant Story. I played most of it in 2010 but just finished it on the 2nd. If you skip a single cutscene you will have no clue what the plot is. It was a unique game but some parts dragged on a little. Also the game is difficult to learn. I'll get around to a second playthrough at some time; there's a dungeon only available after the first playthrough.
  8. I've had dreams before that were entirely in text. I don't remember what they were though.
  9. It bothers me when I make spelling errors. Don't know why.
  10. I liked X5 and X6 but I never played X7 or X8.
  11. I know I love my reliable computer even though it is getting old. I don't have a current gen console, but my brother that lives with me here has a Wii and Xbox360. I think I prefer the Wii because our 360 red-ringed and had all sorts of problems with it from the beginning. We had an SNES, Playstation 1 and Gamecube growing up along with a few iterations of the Gameboy.
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