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  1. It's largely based on party leader. The players in this game range from nubs to people who've been playing for a while, so it's a bit uneven...
  2. My bad, dean. I don't have to use racial slurs but I like to be true to my racist nature. Who's on tomorrow? Or I guess I should say later today.
  3. @Brain: I'll probly be able to hop on. Plagiarizing this post from The Plagiarists. From the only enjoyable match of the afternoon... I had two shots left in my grenade launcher but missed. =/ So this guy thinks he can escape by jumping for his life. "Heh." MID-AIR SHOT BITCH Elegant landing. "Yeahhhh boi!"
  4. Workworkwork. I'll be home tomorrow and probly Friday, though. So which of you guys is the party leader now? Hard to imagine any of you are low levels anymore.
  5. Yeah I was basically an involuntary decoy. Hottie made it to the chest.
  6. ^Nice. Classic moment from Plunder today: Here I am celebrating Hottie as he goes to score with the treasure... ...it's just a little too early to be celebrating.
  7. That pic of me with my boot up Skelzor's ass is badass. But not as badass as Smooves jumpin' the tank. I guess the game carried you over it because you can't land on it?
  8. Lmbo, I know man. Yeah I imagine those kills might be hard to get screens of they were me shooting targets pretty far away. I should actually get shots of when I was taunting in Lost City as Hottie went to score and got sniped mid-pump. It was amazing.
  9. What is your problem. Lmbo. Which mic do you have? I used to have issues getting my mic to stay on (it's the official PS3 bluetooth headset). I ended up bending it enough over time that it eventually fit perfectly.
  10. Haha, I even rage when we're winning. "Run AWAY from my grenades you fuck!" You haven't blocked me yet so I take it as a sign that the Heartless Charm is working. Oh yeah~ Anyway I'll be on laterish, hopefully I see you on there (right now, it's super late Saturday breakfast time!).
  11. I could hear you, Smooves. I sometimes have a hard time understanding Dean because he speaks in a low voice. I couldn't hear Jay at all, but I could tell he had a mic on. I'm sure you guys can hear me, though. "Fukken!" "EAT THAT SHIT, bitch!" "You fucking fucker." "Nice kill, [insert name here]." "Hey raine, [something sexual here]."
  12. Man what a night...went from getting my ass beat to pwning the hell out of everyone. Awesome games.
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