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Everything posted by brida

  1. tuff fucking avatar look at that shit
  2. Why is there flour involved?
  3. No for sure I'm just saying if we're going to pick a game from the Fallout franchise to label as overrated I don't see how you'd pick 2 over 3 or NV.
  4. Something being a cash in makes it overrated? Are we judging the moral integrity of the games or the quality...? Also thanks for taking out Fallout 2, what the fuck is that game doing on a list like this anyway. Couldn't possibly be more overrated than, say, 3.
  5. Yeah the first time I came back post-patch and tried to play support...I sucked for a little while. The hurtgun being what it is now alone changes EVERYTHING; before I didn't use my shotgun at all and so I had to pretty much relearn how to play the game.
  6. brida


    I...thought Maury was black.
  7. You have Gears, Bag? Also Heartless would need to be in our date. He'd be your date, Strife.
  8. You're from winnipeg?????? I've been over there like twice every year I MIGHT HAVE EVEN MET YOU ALREADY wooooah
  9. Also let me say I am sort of unclear what your last gif was meant to convey
  10. Ooh. Oh my. It looks like we need to test this hypothesis out. LET'S DO THIIIIIS. We'll have to be on separate teams and then I can act like you chainsawing me is the most sensual thing I've ever experienced..!
  11. You must have a disgusting diet.
  12. The only thing he has a problem with is the fact that random strangers hit on me when they find out I'm a girl, and I have to keep reassuring him that they're stupid poo-poo faces that I shall now block and he shouldn't worry about it. How does he feel about girls hitting on you. Cause we should play Gears soon...
  13. We barely won--I mean we had control the entire time but it was like 'they're about to kill our money ball we should really damage theirs...*brida uses hurt gun against moneyball for like 3 seconds, match insta-over*
  14. needto touch paws edit i guess it still works
  15. well and kill record too but i'm not as impressed since they were so bad and i think i had host. my shotgun was on FIRE
  16. plus i mean if you find someone who is more or less in tune with all your Important Things That Matter (philosophically speaking)...well,I truly do not have words for how amazing it is.
  17. brida


    dee wins the thread. i will get a black himalayan one day and name him minato
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