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Prof Bananas Goldsteinberg

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Everything posted by Prof Bananas Goldsteinberg

  1. Only thing worse than excruciating hunger? Excruciating hunger pangs! Gah!

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    2. Prof Bananas Goldsteinberg

      Prof Bananas Goldsteinberg

      I typically don't have very many issues waving guns and firing them at cops. It's when the sneaky bastards start shooting back that things get complicated. How am I supposed to react to that?

    3. fuchikoma


      Well, depending on the outcome, you could grab your chest (or other afflicted part) and yell "wargh!" before falling down. Alternately, you could go "hyah hyahh! You'll never take me alive, coppers!" and get into the getaway car?

    4. Prof Bananas Goldsteinberg

      Prof Bananas Goldsteinberg

      I think I'll try riding a mighty steed valiantly into the sunset whilst flipping the coppers the bird, and hope they don't take it the wrong way and give chase. That "mighty steed" is more of a "rusty Huffy", so they'll probably catch me.

  2. Sorry, only the hopelessly cynical need apply here I hate everything and everybody, and life is a fucking toilet. *crosses fingers* Did I make the cut? A tad too strong. Out with ye. No....NO! Must...resist...inner....6th grader! THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! No...... I'm better than this. My father was right, I'm a failure. T_T
  3. Sorry, only the hopelessly cynical need apply here I hate everything and everybody, and life is a fucking toilet. *crosses fingers* Did I make the cut?
  4. Currently..... Psone PS2 PS3 Gamecube Wii Xbox X360 Vita PSP GBA 3DS DS Lite Virtual Boy Dreamcast SNES PC (obviously) And it's steadily growing thanks to a local retro game shop. Saturn, 3DO and TurboGrafx-16 are next.
  5. burntpotatoes (don't ask), MooCowsRevenge and Prof. Bananas Goldsteinberg should all lead to my Steam profile. Don't get on Steam too often though. My lovely wife is always hogging the computer playing her damn Facebook games.
  6. Some of you may recognize me from Kotaku. Yes, I'm yet another Kotaku refugee. Sad to say goodbye to that place, but they brought it on themselves. Just glad I found a few places where I can talk about the things I love with other people who love the same things.
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