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Everything posted by Code_Yuki

  1. This is my account. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045903828/ Holidays just started and going to be playing a lot. Got to at least finish the games I purchased from the Summer sales.
  2. I've got the game it only interested me for a short while. The world is beautiful, the design is great, but I don't like the combat. The combat to me didn't feel dynamic enough and that was enough to put me off the game.
  3. Surprised by the lack news of Primal Carnage.Looks so good and want to pick up the game but the download size is huge and not sure if I can even run it since it's supposedly got a few performance issues that still need to be ironed out.

  4. From what I've seen, I don't like the change from 2D to 3D. It slightly looks a little off. It's either the colour, shading or modeling that's bugging me.Surprised they didn't stick with 2D since there really wasn't anything wrong with it and the style of game kind of fits 2D. Animations look great though. Still looking forward to it because It's Phoenix as the main character again and also looking forward to the new mechanics.
  5. Am I the only one thinking whether tech companies think we buy a new phone every year.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^What does talking a lot have to do with getting a new phone every 6 months?

    3. TheRevanchist


      She wore the fuck out of them. I think she was let go from work because she talked and texted too much.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      My cousin is no longer allowed by his cell carrier to get insurance (through them, anyway) on his phones because he broke 3 of them in a 6-month period.

  6. Same here. Playing Super Smash Bros was just weird. The buttons to me were just all over the place. Luckily they're giving three different options for controllers this time XD. About the Slo-mo in Dolphin, It's partially your computer but it's also part of the emulation problem. Some games just don't work well. Slow Framerates make it slow and Fast Frame rates make the game incredibly fast.
  7. Games I found that I reckon should be on steam http://steamcommunit...362&searchtext= http://steamcommunit...552&searchtext= http://steamcommunit...128&searchtext= It's a nice idea and i think the "when" would be when the game gets Greenlighted however that poses a few problems in itself. That or after say 1-2 months which is plenty of time for the community or Valve to check if the game is legit. And I still think it shouldn't be anywhere near 100 dollars.
  8. Got some pictures for those who don't have the AK yet. It's mostly to show the scale. Through the map and distances. This ones Death Valley And this ones Bandar Desert on Conquest and I think Conquest Large has more flag placements.
  9. Armored Kill is pretty decent. Haven't played long but it's quite large. Just wondering though why it can't even run well on low settings on my laptop. I've played nearly all games etc from low-mid even like sleeping dogs with high-rez pack with no problem at 1080p but for BF3, can't even play low settings on 720p at a bearable framerate. If I can't, I'll just have to stay on PC for BF3.
    1. Mal


      There are tons of hidden gems on the other side of the Pacific. Its good to hear!

    2. excel_excel


      Definitely getting Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy when it hits Steam!


      ....wow that is a great name.

    3. Mal


      I think it almost beats Hyperdimension Neptunia. Now that is a title deserving of all the moe kawaii animu gurl lovu.

  10. Done. I've looked at Rekoil, Dawn of Fantasy, Trackverse, Perpetuum (though don't like the subscription) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92931949&searchtext= http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92927540&searchtext= http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92921690&searchtext= http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92945422&searchtext=
  11. Sleeping Dogs=Pretty good so far.

    1. Eleven


      Good to hear! Planning to get it this week and I'm hoping it turns out to be one of my good impulse buys... as I haven't been keeping up with this game at all.


      First video I've seen of it was last week.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, this game kind of snuck up on me too. I have too many other things in my backlog to actually get it right now, but I'll be watching carefully for a Steam sale.

  12. What should I play first, Mirror's Edge or Alan Wake.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      I haven't played Mirror's Edge, but I wasn't too impressed with Alan Wake.

    3. SomTervo


      The only problem is that Mirror's Edge is finishable in like 4-5 hours, whereas AW is closer to a proper 8-12 hour action game. I found it fairly replayable too (and the DLC episodes are brilliant). Where as Mirror's Edge... I was just done with it.


      Apparently, though, Mirror's Edge's "real" gamemode is the Time Trials one where it actually becomes about quality of free running, not just getting through the story scenarios. I never tried that mode.

    4. Chewblaha


      Play Mirror's Edge for about an hour and you'll never want to play it again (because it sucks).

  13. Code_Yuki

    Windows 8

    Maybe. It could be just that I'm not used to it yet. I personally like the idea Microsoft 8 is going for, I just don't feel they've done enough for the desktop to ensure that the transition is seamless and it's that transition that's awful in my eyes (and the colours).
  14. How so? Why not switch browsers? There's no shortage of alternatives even if you stick with Webkit/Chromium Well basically, I type search faster than what Google instant does.I'm usually precise when searching for things I want which is why I can quickly type it and press I'm feeling lucky or just normal search knowing that I'm going to get my results. Google instant and the predictive search list makes it much more slow of an experience. Sure it's 1-2 seconds slow but I hate it If something can be done faster and get the same results, I'll take it. Google Instant etc still hasn't lived up to my expectations yet. I'm thinking of actually switching back to either Opera or Firefox right now. Downloading it now and testing them both out.
  15. Code_Yuki

    Windows 8

    When you say Metro, do you mean the start menu? I don't get what you are referring to. There aren't any transparency elements in Metro. Also, in the RTM version of Win 8, the whole thing will be Metro and Aero will be gone so it will all fit together a bit better. Windows 8 isn't closed off. You can still do everything you could on Windows 7 with it. Yeah, what I mean is when you switch to the tablet like display or what ever it's called. Don't like it. Metro look to me is much better but that ugly tablet thing is just ruining it in my opinion. BTW, I firmly believe that Start Menu should have been gone long ago. Just ugly looking thing that's not even that efficient but they didn't create something that's just as good in efficiency that also doesn't look as worse. Not too sure about the closed off thing since I haven't used it much but basically, There's been a lot of noise on how Microsoft is starting to get closer into doing what Apple's doing with their stores etc.
  16. Using chrome right now but not sure about it now hate some of the changes and probably never will appreciate it. Google's been doing some incredibly dumb decisions. Not just chrome but their search engine. Trying to shove Instant down our throats. Don't like it. I can switch back on my desktop but for my new laptop, can't. Worse is it's actually decreased my efficiency by half.
  17. Code_Yuki

    Windows 8

    I like Office 13. Using it right now and love how clean, smooth and simple it is. Probably never going to switch back. Metro looks dumb and intrusive. I wouldn't mind if it's something like overlaying with some transparency on the normal desktop but to completely switch is just a bad decision. Also, Don't like how closed off Windows 8 is going to be.
  18. I think the problem is that Nolan tried to stuff too much content into one film. He also isn't great when it comes to the Third Arcs. Either he could have made it much longer or make it into two films in my opinion. I think the villains didn't matter too much because in the end, it's not about the villains because it's the last film but rather, it's about Bruce. In the end, Bane was only there to really finally push Bruce's development as a character. My most favoured scene is the prison scene mainly because it really ties in incredibly well with the first film and really shows that development. I believe Bane and Catwoman were great. Underdeveloped maybe but their performance? Great. There was something about the atmosphere that really made Bane ferocious. I don't really care what the critics say but the expressions of Tom Hardy were incredible. Also, I believe Batman Begins was a greater film than TDK.
  19. To the Beginning-Kalafina ,Song Arrangement: Kajiura Yuki Absolutely love everything about this song http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/xpfda8
  20. Code_Yuki


    Just bought Trine 2 and Section 8 Prejudice. Still waiting for any more crazy deals. Some of the featured deals aren't really that special. E.g Skyrim, Fall of Samurai and MW3. edited: Add Empire: Total war and Left 4 Dead 2 to the list. Not sure if I should add Rayman Origins and Alan Wake. They are a little pricey and didn't' really want to spent too much on games.
  21. Same here. No Miles Edgeworth 2 anytime soon, No AA5 and no announcement of AA/Layton game. WHAT ARE THEY UP TO!!!! Btw, Trials and Tribulations was my favourite. Apollo Justice is next.
  22. What are your specs? The beauty of PC gaming is that you can tweak the settings to fit your needs. Even if it's at a low resolution with settings at low, if you can get around 40fps average, you'll be able to compete fine - since a lot of people think their rigs are better than they are and run beyond their means. A lenovo laptop with a 555M. I study away from home, and this is powerful enough to run dev tools on. I'm pretty sure that's sufficient enough to run low-mid with decent framerates.Like around (30-50 FPS) Actually, Quite a lot of people recognize it which is why quite a lot of people are abandoning EA. The problem is, new consumers come in and don't realize it and will literally buy it without so much as protest which is why EA can keep doing it. That's pretty much it. But I must say, from what I can remember, M16A3 was incredibly powerful. It was way too all rounded which meant that it basically had no downsides unless in the extremities. It could be used in every single situation which basically fits well in all maps. Not sure about now since I haven't touched the gun in ages.
  23. What kind of specs you have because BF3 is optimized pretty well. So long as you play on realistic resolutions and graphical settings according to the specs you have, then you're all good. Personally, I'm running on Core 2 Quad , 3GB ram and HD 5850 running High settings ( I use custom settings but it's more around the high settings mark), 1280 x1080 with around 50 FPS.
  24. Premium was basically my last purchase from EA. Don't like close Quarters. I feel that the spawns and flag placements could be much much better. I was expecting a Seine's like experience. It's like a map that you play like metro when you feel incredibly bored and want to waste time. Good for the first few plays but get's stale incredibly quickly because it's just too chaotic. I usually play 2-3 games before I move on. Gun master is hard. Especially when you join in late. Overall, compared to what other FPS's a delivering, I'd say it's pretty good. But for a BF experience. Not really. Is it just me but do maps like Karkand, Sharqi, Seine's play much better without vehicles.
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