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About Vecha

  • Birthday 10/04/1988

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    Davenport, IA

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  1. Decided to play through all of the mainline Dragon Quest series(probably gonna ship 9, and definitely 10). Currently half-way through with the 4th. Really enjoying the series, kinda wish it got popular instead of FF.
  2. I'm really glad that Yakuza:Kiwami will be "free" Been wanting to check out that series.
  3. How are all my fellow bastards doing?

    1. TCP


      REAL GOOD. How are you!?!?! 

    2. deanb


      Well enough. And yeah, hows you doing?

    3. Vecha


      Decent enough. Almost separated with my wife. But now things are decent. Besides that, since visiting here a while back, my daughter is talking a ton and running all over the place. Fun times.

  4. Thanks... I was worried it may not charge well while playing. (Though all chargers are different). I got a ravcharger(I think thats the spelling) hope it does well on trips and such.
  5. I got a Nintendo Switch. Zelda. micro sd card. screen protector and case that wraps around the switch that also adds comfy sports for my hands. A cord that extends from the dock to my Nintendo Switch so I don't have to worry about fucking my switch up with my clumsy hands. Pre-ordered Xenoblade 2 and the special controller. Along with Mario Odyssey. A RavPower 26800mAh battery pack with wallcharger/USB C cable for the switch. And also pre-ordered ELEX for the ps4 just because I believe in supporting B(ok maybe C) level western RPG devs. It may be clunky and janky as fuck, but sometimes I love to be anally (consensually) raped by janky controls, but well thought out REAL RPG™ mechanics. Basically a Birthday Splurge/congratulating myself for work going well splurge.
  6. I finally got a switch...man, I really hope they add more online interactions. I loved the MiaUniverse-thingy on the WII-U! And the cell phone thing is ridiculous. But I love the games, and glad I can shit and play Zelda without it cutting in and out. And Stardew Valley and Shitting is great too! So many great indies! And Xeno soon! and Mario! But good god please update the "OS"
  7. Whoa. Hardly recognize the place.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TCP
    3. Pojodin
    4. Vecha


      Pretty awesome most of us have been dads.  @deadbmmvdeadbmmv yeah been a while. 


      I just had my own daughter in December. Been super busy. 

  8. Hey everyone...how goes it? I had my daughter a few weeks back. Hope everyone is well, merry xmas and happy holidays.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. deanb


      10 pounds isn't much these days with brexit n all.

    3. TheMightyEthan



    4. Vecha
  9. I hope it comes out in the west this year... And Ethan...you said they have to "support" neo October and on....what do you mean by that? I thought all PS4 games would be BC on "neo" ?
  10. Anyone try/playing Black Desert Online?

  11. Haven't been on in a while guys(I tend to so that) but I'm soon to be a father(due December 5th)...and I'll basically be a stay home dad(I work from home mostly). Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Vecha


      Lol....I'm sure it does!

    3. SomTervo


      You the best, Vech! Congrats!

    4. Vecha


      Thanks....took five months after dropping BC for my brave soldiers to find the target. Many were lost with only one survivor...Never Forget.

  12. So....looks like I WILL be getting the Gears game even though I played online a few days after the expiration date. Got an xbl message from MS giving me the codes. Sweet! Thanks Microsoft!
  13. So....loved the film! I'm one of those who felt a certain someone showed jedi skills a bit too early for my taste. Pacing could have been better, maybe? I forgot how to do spoiler tags...so let me try Damn I'm an idiot. OK...figure it out.
  14. So no price yet on the psvr..slightly disappointing....guess GDC, E3, or some random day is when they may announce the price. Still unsure about it...but hope it's as good as they and those who've used it say it is. Just don't want the kinect\psmove 2.0\3.0\whatever. Also...not seeing too many exciting things from Sony thus far...unless I missed something.
  15. Just played a bit of this on the wiiu...and nostalgia. Still want TC to come back and tell us we are all below his IQ. Didnt he have health issues? Wonder if he's still alive.
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