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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. Heh, it's a tough one. Shenmue is incorrect, though.
  2. Yeah, same for PS3. Also, someone added me on PSN a while back. I just accepted it assuming it was someone from here. Was it you, bieber-chan?
  3. Correct, of course. Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 5 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Closing in on Bouchart now. Here comes the next picture.
  4. That's the one! Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 4 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point 4 points, 4th place! Next image is coming up...
  5. Someone's whose first game was Ocarina of Time is old enough to post on the internet? I feel oooooooooooooooold! Also: Welcome. *edit* Did not notice this page.
  6. Harsh. I'm pretty sure I'm only getting correct guesses because I'm the only one up right now. How do you think Hottie and Yant got to the top of the list?
  7. Correct (on both accounts)! Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points Gyaruson: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Gyar is becoming a serious contender! Let's get ready for the next picture.
  8. Double post. Reported. I voted (surprise, surprise) Nintendo. I understand they're not very popular amongst the "hardcore" crowd nowadays, but they still have the best (and most) exclusive franchises. I think people still associate games like MGS and Final Fantasy with Sony, but they haven't been exclusive to Sony consoles in a while now. They have some good exclusives, though. MotorStorm, Uncharted... LittleBigPlanet has potential too. But when compared to Nintendo's line-up of first-party titles, there's really no competition. F-Zero Metroid Super Mario Mario Kart Legend of Zelda StarFox Donkey Kong Golden Sun Advance Wars Fire Emblem Kirby Pikmin Kid Icarus Smash Bros. Pokémon Sin & Punishment WarioWare Animal Crossing Brain Training Wii Sports Nintendogs etc. Those last three might not get me particularly excited, but they show the diversity in their line-up. They have pretty much every genre covered. For me, the possibility of seeing a new Metroid or F-Zero game is reason enough to buy the next Nintendo console, whatever it may be. This has been: My Opinion.
  9. GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORES!!!!!!!! Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Gyaruson: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Here comes the next one!
  10. Manned mission would be awesome, but what about full-on colonization? I don't think living there would be as awesome as the idea of living there. That shit will get depressing fast.
  11. No worries, that was the correct answer! Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Gyaruson: 1 point Jack scores his 3rd point! Get ready for the next one...
  12. (Please be specific for this next one.) Name... That... Videogame!
  13. "Odd World" is specific enough for me. Aqua wins a point! Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points D-K: 2 point Mister Jack: 2 points RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Gyaruson: 1 point Okay, next one coming up!
  14. Yay, Bouchart got it right! (Please don't worry about spelling mistakes, I'm not that strict.) Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points D-K: 2 point Mister Jack: 2 points RadiantViper: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Iamaquaman: 1 point Gyaruson: 1 point Okay, moving on!
  15. Nexus: people will now think that you only own one shirt.
  16. I don't wear glasses, but sometimes I think maybe I should... I used to be able to read signs from several meters away, but nowadays I have to move a lot closer. Apparently, staring at a computer screen trying to find spelling mistakes for 8 hours a day does things to your eyes. Who knew?
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