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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. Gregg, will you be on tonight? I might just end up playing AC:B single player, but if I see enough of you guys online I would definitely be up for a game of UC2.
  2. No headset, sorry. :/ But if we keep doing these TAY multiplayer sessions, I might cave in at some point.
  3. I'm not sure if we're playing tonight, actually. In any case, next weekend will be Christmas and the weekend after that NYE, so... I dunno. I think we'll have to postpone our session with Heartless for a while. Maybe we can play next week with Dean, though.
  4. You do realize you changed your username to "Deanb" over here? Anyway, I already have you on my PSN, yeah.
  5. You think you're so clever with that desktop, don't you? (That is actually incredibly clever.) Also, lol @ "Computador" I'm not at home, so I can't share my desktop, but I usually just use wallpapers from www.marvel.com/wallpaper Most of it is crap, but once in a while they'll have something cool. I'm guessing Bryan got his desktop from there as well. Marko Djurdjevic covers always make for the best wallpapers.
  6. It's the first ship from an NES game called Solar Jetman. First game I ever purchased with my own money. Lots of nostalgia for me. I settled on the avatar on Kotaku a long while back and guess I never changed it. AYE, YES! SHABBEYOMOOGS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmUjGLBsiwU K'MAWN!
  7. Oh, right. I forgot we had a separate board for this. Anyway guys, what time are we supposed to be playing? I didn't really think of the timezones, so I'm not sure I'll be able to play with you, Heartless (I'm assuming you have either school or a job during the day). The weekend would probably be better. But not this weekend of course. Even if I could get away from my family, I won't be anywhere near my PS3. :/
  8. That Konami logo... Nostalgia overload. Turtles in Time was my favorite SNES game as a kid. Throwing Foot Soldiers at the screen just blew my little mind. BIG APPLE! 3 AM.
  9. The obligatory: The no-bullshitter: And the classic:
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=druQ6olIfm4
  11. I'll have a Reventón, please.
  12. That's what I've been told. I just wonder if I'm really going to end up assassinating the Pope. For a game that seems to pride itself on history, I can't imagine it would stray so far from it as to allow me to assassinate the Pope. On another note, is anyone else actually interested in the sci-fi bit of it? I mean, as inevitable as it is, I loath the idea of a game set primarily around Desmond. What I love, however, is the Matrix-esque sci-fi backdrop for the games. I think the real reason I'm iffy on the idea of Desmond's game isn't because it won't have an awesome historical setting (here's to hoping the French Revolution is after Brotherhood), but because it won't be a simulated memory. It'll just be plain old sci-fi. You might be interested to know that Brotherhood expands the 2012 setting a bit. In a way... You get to go outside. But since 2012 is just over a year away, don't expect the world to look radically different. I'm personally hoping for a more exotic location for AC3. Something like South America (e.g. Aztec) or Asia (e.g. Mongolia). Perhaps even Africa (e.g. Egypt). 18th century France is a bit too close to the Renaissance in terms of aesthetics, I think. Then again, since Desmond's ancestry seems to be European, I don't know how they would implement a South-American/Asian/African ancestor... But I hope they find a way.
  13. @Jack: Thanks for the recommendation, sounds interesting. Is it out in trade yet?
  14. Newborn babies, fresh out the vagina: Yes, they're hideous. They get a lot cuter after a few months, though.
  15. I approve. Such an awesome video, and a great song. Video doesn't work for me, but I'm listening to it on Grooveshark right now. This thread has been very useful for discovering new hip-hop tracks.
  16. I would have gone with: "In Space, No One Can Hear You... Be... Dead...?" Also: THERE'S A DEMO WTF? I checked the PSN Store last night and I didn't see anything. Guess we're behind as usual.
  17. Yes! Return of the Lego Iron Man! They've been defiling your legacy over at the New Vegas subforum, Bryan. DO SOMETHING!
  18. Hmm... I see someone's not worried about cooties. Let's talk about this in another thread.
  19. So this thread is basically for planning multiplayer events. You can also have discussions about how overrated the single player story is.
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