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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. It's a deceptively similar username, then! I hope to see much confusion following your posts.
  2. That was amazing. I loved Toad as the token black guy.
  3. Goodnight, everyone. I'm off to bed for some GRUESOME NIGHTMARES.
  4. When I was still in school, my handwriting was actually more similar to that. But I was still cool! @McFluffermutton: Manly, is that you?
  5. Doesn't work for me (copyright bullshit), and can't find it on Grooveshark. I'm listening to Reflection Eternal right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqHTnNRf4aA Not as amazing as their first album, but still good.
  6. pics or it didn't happen I don't have a scanner... I'll see what I can do with my camera. Also, don't get your hopes up.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. Then he should put on some lipstick and post a picture...
  8. We had to learn script in school. And I've had people tell me I have "pretty" handwriting. I must be some kind of fairy. fmgl
  9. Do you mean the "View New Posts" that I am working on now, or do you actually mean "View My Posts"? Because there should be an option for that already under your profile, so we don't have to make it. The "Latest Posts" under the Portal are still a work in progress. You'll notice that they don't appear instantly either. I'm worried about the type of resource drain it would have on the forums if it was refreshing every minute. No, I meant whatever it is you're working on. I don't keep track of all these similar feature names.
  10. Does anyone remember the url for that ambient rain website?
  11. I just want to say I'm very excited at the prospect of having a View My Posts feature similar to the Old Country. All hail Reich!
  12. Stuff that says "FIBERS!!" on it makes me think of stool problems. Can't you just ice skate to the grocery? Or take the snow mobile.
  13. OMG I TOTES REMEMBER U! And was I supposed to read that in the voice of the propaganda narrator from Starship Troopers? Because I did. Yes. You earn +10 internet credits. Don't spend them all in one place. Also (if Dean will forgive me for double posting), I think some of you might want to request access to the New Vegas subforum. http://tay.gappoi.or...w-vegas-access/ I see Dev already requested access, but the rest of you might be interested too. It's where most of the 'regulars' hang out and talk about all sorts of nonsensical crap. It's the best part of the forum, really.
  14. As for non hip-hop stuff, I'm listening to Massive Attack right now. I only really 'discovered' them very recently. Which is weird since I seem to know quite a few of their songs. I just never realized they were from the same guys.
  15. I'm eating Sour Jelly Beans. They're not so great. Good thing I have a bag of normal Jelly Beans as well. Every time someone mentions tonkatsu, I think of this super freaky commercial they used to show in Japan for a super obscure GBA game. I'm trying to find it, but I can't remember the title! I'll keep looking. -UPDATE- Fuck yeah! I love the internet so goddamn much.
  16. This thread is now about Good Hip-Hop Music. What's Good Friday? Is it an album? A collaboration? I'm always out of the loop when it comes to good music... I blame MTV. And I definitely need to download that latest Roots album then. I also love "Can't Stop This" on the Game Theory album. Perhaps my favorite track from them.
  17. ^ This shit is bangin'. Did I mention I saw Kweli with Kanye? Actually, Kanye was the main act, but I went to see Kweli. (This was back before Graduation came out, I think.) I only paid 10 euro's for the ticket, too. I went to another Kweli concert as well (when Eardrum came out), but he was the main act that time (Jean Grae was there too).
  18. I think I once saw a porn called "Nut Delight".
  19. Never heard of him, but I'll definitely give it a listen.
  20. *puts 2 + 2 together* Aaaaah... I see.
  21. I heard Scott Pilgrim didn't do too well, but all I heard about Kick-Ass was that it was made independently and then sold for a buttload of money to the studio (which had originally turned it down).
  22. Did the Test Dummy just annihilate my post?
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